Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Show calendar based on IP Address accessed
@Spinster yes you need both
I am away from my system for another couple hours
will collapse to one post then
@Spinster ok, here is the final
in calendar.js
add these variables
updateOnFetch: true, useIPAddress: false // add config var }, timerHandle:null, // add this ourIPAddress:null, // add this requiresVersion: "2.1.0",
change this
// Override start method. start () {
this// Override start method. startup () {
add this code
let ip_match = false; if(this.config.useIPAddress){ const client_ip_for_this_calendar = this.getCalendarProperty(calendar.url, "ipaddress", null) if(this.ourIPAddress) ip_match = client_ip_for_this_calendar.includes(this.ourIPAddress) } if(this.config.useIPAddress == false || ip_match==true) this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig); // old original line
and add this routine somewhere
notificationReceived(notification,payload){ if(notification === 'ALL_MODULES_STARTED'){ // if we are using ip address checking if(this.config.useIPAddress){ // loop thru all the modules let m = MM.getModules().withClass("getip"); if(m.length){ // if getip is configured and not disabled if((m[0].disabled== undefined || (m[0].disabled != undefined && m[0].disabled == false)) ){ // start a timer to wait for getip to finish this.timerHandle = setInterval(()=>{ // get its dom content let client_ip = document.getElementById("getip_address") // if we found id if(client_ip !== null){ // stop the timer clearInterval(this.timerHandle) // save our IP address, only need to look it up once this.ourIPAddress=client_ip.innerText // call startup this.startup() } }, 500) } } // thru the loop, didn't start a timer, module not found if(this.timerHandle === null){ // didn't find getip // module not found, can't do this later either this.config.useIPAddress = false; this.startup() } } // use default else this.startup() } else if (notification === "FETCH_CALENDAR") { this.sendSocketNotification(notification, { url: payload.url, id: this.identifier+(this.ourIPAddress?'_'+this.ourIPAddress:'') }); } },
and in the socketNotificationReceived routine
change thissocketNotificationReceived (notification, payload) { if (notification === "FETCH_CALENDAR") { this.sendSocketNotification(notification, { url: payload.url, id: this.identifier }); } if (this.identifier !== { return; }
to this
socketNotificationReceived (notification, payload) { if (this.identifier+(this.ourIPAddress?'_'+this.ourIPAddress:'') !== { return; }
and in the addCalendar routine
change thisid: this.identifier,
to this
id: this.identifier+(this.ourIPAddress?'_'+this.ourIPAddress:''),
to use
add the getip module to config.js, anywhere
add property to calendar above the calendars list (but still inside the config:{}{ section)useIPAddress:true,
in any cal url block you want to be sensitive to IP address add property
ipaddress:"xxx yyy zzz", // space separated list of client ipaddresses this calendar can be displayed on
After installing MonkeyPatch and adding the patch you have mentioned, I get the following error message when I run , npm run config:check
[2024-05-07 23:32:55.179] [INFO] Checking file… /home/vjkings/MagicMirror/config/config.js
[2024-05-07 23:32:55.222] [ERROR] Your configuration file contains syntax errors :(
[2024-05-07 23:32:55.223] [ERROR] Line 56 column 20: Parsing error: Unexpected token functionAs per config.js, Line 56 is this
patch: async function (original, args) {
Whole section of patch as follows
patch: async function (original, args) {
const [ notification, payload ] = args
if (notification === “CALENDAR_EVENTS”) {
const calendarName = this.config.calendars.find((cal) => cal.url === payload?.url)?.name
const r = await fetch(‘’)
const ip = JSON.parse(await r.text())?.[ ‘address’ ] ?? null
if (!this.config.clientMap?.[ ip ]?.includes(calendarName)) {
return original(notification, { …payload, events: [] })
return original(notification, payload)
}If I ignore the error and run the server, I don’t get any calendar and it just says Loading… in the mirror page
What is the reason for the error. Please advice -
Wow, Clear, will try it and provide feedback please.
I made all the changes you have mentioned, it is working!!!. Thank you so much for the efforts.
However, following are the observation,
When I add the config.js with useIPAddress: true (calendar.js has the entry of useIPAddress:false in its default), there is no effect, however in calendar.js if I set the useIPAddress: true, it is working, I don’t understand why the configuration settings are not taken.I clearly added the useIPAddress: true before the calendars declared as part of the module configuration. Please advice how to fix this.
I also have doubt on when we override the start to startup, how the notificationreceived is called. What happens when there is no start in the module.
In fact this is the first time, I have added code without understanding of anything :).
Please help me with configuration settings (config.js) to get it effected than hardcoding it to calendar.js
@Spinster can you show the calendar config, you can leave out the calendars:[] list entries
start is optional. but only called once
getip has not placed its content yet.the notification ALL_MODULES_STARTED is sent be the system when all the
modules start methods have been called -
Thank you for the details.As required, my calendar config as follows
{ module: "getip", position:"bottom_left" }, { module: "calendar", useIPAddress: true, header: "My Calendars", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { name: "cal01", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://mycalendar/xEzboFt7Kr3Yfiys?export", ipaddress: "", }, { name: "cal02", fetchInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, //useIPAddress: true, symbol: "calendar-check", url: "https://mycalendar/4aK7xZPQkGKz6nCZ?export", ipaddress: "", } ] } },
Please let me know if I have done any mistake
@Spinster yes, it has to be inside the
config:{} sectioneverything outside config are MagicMirror properties about a module
see is properties FOR the module and override what is defined in the module defaults:{} object
I made the change and it first showed correctly, but when I refresh any one of the client, the other client is getting both the calendars. What is wrong? Here is my updated calendar.js as suggested by you.
/* global CalendarUtils */ Module.register("calendar", { // Define module defaults defaults: { maximumEntries: 10, // Total Maximum Entries maximumNumberOfDays: 365, limitDays: 0, // Limit the number of days shown, 0 = no limit pastDaysCount: 0, displaySymbol: true, defaultSymbol: "calendar-alt", // Fontawesome Symbol see defaultSymbolClassName: "fas fa-fw fa-", showLocation: false, displayRepeatingCountTitle: false, defaultRepeatingCountTitle: "", maxTitleLength: 25, maxLocationTitleLength: 25, wrapEvents: false, // Wrap events to multiple lines breaking at maxTitleLength wrapLocationEvents: false, maxTitleLines: 3, maxEventTitleLines: 3, fetchInterval: 60 * 60 * 1000, // Update every hour animationSpeed: 2000, fade: true, fadePoint: 0.25, // Start on 1/4th of the list. urgency: 7, timeFormat: "relative", dateFormat: "MMM Do", dateEndFormat: "LT", fullDayEventDateFormat: "MMM Do", showEnd: false, getRelative: 6, hidePrivate: false, hideOngoing: false, hideTime: false, hideDuplicates: true, showTimeToday: false, colored: false, forceUseCurrentTime: false, tableClass: "small", calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-alt", url: "" } ], customEvents: [ // Array of {keyword: "", symbol: "", color: "", eventClass: ""} where Keyword is a regexp and symbol/color/eventClass are to be applied for matched { keyword: ".*", transform: { search: "De verjaardag van ", replace: "" } }, { keyword: ".*", transform: { search: "'s birthday", replace: "" } } ], locationTitleReplace: { "street ": "" }, broadcastEvents: true, excludedEvents: [], sliceMultiDayEvents: false, broadcastPastEvents: false, nextDaysRelative: false, selfSignedCert: false, coloredText: false, coloredBorder: false, coloredSymbol: false, coloredBackground: false, limitDaysNeverSkip: false, flipDateHeaderTitle: false, updateOnFetch: true, useIPAddress: false,// add config var }, timerHandle:null, // add this ourIPAddress:null, // add this requiresVersion: "2.1.0", // Define required scripts. getStyles () { return ["calendar.css", "font-awesome.css"]; }, // Define required scripts. getScripts () { return ["calendarutils.js", "moment.js"]; }, // Define required translations. getTranslations () { // The translations for the default modules are defined in the core translation files. // Therefore we can just return false. Otherwise we should have returned a dictionary. // If you're trying to build your own module including translations, check out the documentation. return false; }, // Override start method. startup () { //const ip = settings.detectIp(req)`Starting module: ${}`);`Vijay starup Starting module: ${}`); if (this.config.colored) { Log.warn("Your are using the deprecated config values 'colored'. Please switch to 'coloredSymbol' & 'coloredText'!"); this.config.coloredText = true; this.config.coloredSymbol = true; } if (this.config.coloredSymbolOnly) { Log.warn("Your are using the deprecated config values 'coloredSymbolOnly'. Please switch to 'coloredSymbol' & 'coloredText'!"); this.config.coloredText = false; this.config.coloredSymbol = true; } // Set locale. moment.updateLocale(config.language, CalendarUtils.getLocaleSpecification(config.timeFormat)); // clear data holder before start this.calendarData = {}; // indicate no data available yet this.loaded = false; // data holder of calendar url. Avoid fade out/in on updateDom (one for each calendar update) this.calendarDisplayer = {}; this.config.calendars.forEach((calendar) => { calendar.url = calendar.url.replace("webcal://", "http://"); const calendarConfig = { maximumEntries: calendar.maximumEntries, maximumNumberOfDays: calendar.maximumNumberOfDays, pastDaysCount: calendar.pastDaysCount, broadcastPastEvents: calendar.broadcastPastEvents, selfSignedCert: calendar.selfSignedCert, excludedEvents: calendar.excludedEvents, fetchInterval: calendar.fetchInterval }; if (typeof calendar.symbolClass === "undefined" || calendar.symbolClass === null) { calendarConfig.symbolClass = ""; } if (typeof calendar.titleClass === "undefined" || calendar.titleClass === null) { calendarConfig.titleClass = ""; } if (typeof calendar.timeClass === "undefined" || calendar.timeClass === null) { calendarConfig.timeClass = ""; } // we check user and password here for backwards compatibility with old configs if (calendar.user && calendar.pass) { Log.warn("Deprecation warning: Please update your calendar authentication configuration."); Log.warn(""); calendar.auth = { user: calendar.user, pass: calendar.pass }; } let ip_match = false; if(this.config.useIPAddress){ const client_ip_for_this_calendar = this.getCalendarProperty(calendar.url, "ipaddress", null) if(this.ourIPAddress) ip_match = client_ip_for_this_calendar.includes(this.ourIPAddress) } if(this.config.useIPAddress == false || ip_match==true) this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig); // old original line //this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig); }); // for backward compatibility titleReplace if (typeof this.config.titleReplace !== "undefined") { Log.warn("Deprecation warning: Please consider upgrading your calendar titleReplace configuration to customEvents."); for (const [titlesearchstr, titlereplacestr] of Object.entries(this.config.titleReplace)) { this.config.customEvents.push({ keyword: ".*", transform: { search: titlesearchstr, replace: titlereplacestr } }); } } this.selfUpdate(); }, // Override socket notification handler. socketNotificationReceived (notification, payload) { if (notification === "FETCH_CALENDAR") { this.sendSocketNotification(notification, { url: payload.url, id: this.identifier }); } if (this.identifier !== { return; } if (notification === "CALENDAR_EVENTS") { Log.warn("Calendar Events called Vijay"); if (this.hasCalendarURL(payload.url)) { this.calendarData[payload.url] =; this.error = null; this.loaded = true; if (this.config.broadcastEvents) { this.broadcastEvents(); } if (!this.config.updateOnFetch) { if (this.calendarDisplayer[payload.url] === undefined) { // calendar will never displayed, so display it this.updateDom(this.config.animationSpeed); // set this calendar as displayed this.calendarDisplayer[payload.url] = true; } else { Log.debug("[Calendar] DOM not updated waiting self update()"); } return; } } } else if (notification === "CALENDAR_ERROR") { let error_message = this.translate(payload.error_type); this.error = this.translate("MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR", { MODULE_NAME:, ERROR: error_message }); this.loaded = true; } this.updateDom(this.config.animationSpeed); }, eventEndingWithinNextFullTimeUnit (event, ONE_DAY) { const now = new Date(); return event.endDate - now <= ONE_DAY; }, notificationReceived(notification,payload){ if(notification === 'ALL_MODULES_STARTED') { // if we are using ip address checking`Vijay Calling : ${}`); console.log("Vijay : Calendar notificationReceived called"); if(this.config.useIPAddress){ console.log("Vijay : Calendar Using IP Address"); // find our dependent module in config.js, returns an array [] let m = MM.getModules().withClass("getip"); if(m.length){ // if getip is not disabled if((m[0].disabled == undefined || (m[0].disabled != undefined && m[0].disabled == false)) ){ // start a timer to wait for getip to finish this.timerHandle = setInterval(()=>{ // get its dom content let client_ip = document.getElementById("getip_address") // if we found id if(client_ip !== null){ // stop the timer clearInterval(this.timerHandle) // save our IP address, only need to look it up once this.ourIPAddress=client_ip.innerText // call startup this.startup() } }, 500) } } // didn't start a timer, module not found if(this.timerHandle === null){ // didn't find getip // module not found, can't do this later either // turn off address checking this.config.useIPAddress = false; // start fetching calendars`Vijay No timer, useIP set to false: ${}`); this.startup() } } // use old approach else{`Vijay timer available : ${}`); this.startup() } } },
Please let me know if I have to do something about this.
@Spinster sorry, explain
the other clienton refresh, everything is the same in the module.
each module has a unique id assigned, based on its placement in config.js
calendar sends its id down to its helper
and the helper sends the id back on response. as the response mechanism is a broadcast to all connected clients.
the clients then check to see if this response is for their request.
from code posted
also, please start using code block wrapper for all config, code and error postings
paste text into the message editor
empty line above and below
select that pasted text
hit the editor button </>