Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
it´s in the /volume1/docker/magicmirror/modules
@caw ok, the docker container is running as user/group 1000/1000
so Simon and users is neither of those
and linux permissions are a set of values, 3 flags per
user – this user number/name (Simon)
group --if the user is part of the named group (users)
other – permissions for any user NOT in the two choices abovethe permissions shown
user = rwx // user can read( r) write(w) and execute(x)
group = r-x // group can read( r) and execute(x)
other = r-x // all others can read ( r) and execute(x)or 755
if you fix the permissions to 757
user rwx
group r-x
other rwxor 775 (probably better, not allow ‘any’ other…)
user rwx
group rwx
other r-xthen other (1000) will be allowed to write to the folder (service folder)
@caw can you show all the calDAV messages…
last says fetching
but the prior says not found… -
I cannot say anything without the full log. But at the first execution, ics would not be written yet, (calendar module is so fast than CalDAV’s connection and parsing) so just wait for the next cycle to finish serving, or just stop and rerun MM. From the second execution, ics will be served.
hi i´ve got it- it was the firewall blocking and the ics files are created and a test is shownTHANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :)
maybe you can add the workaround for a tutorial for any Synology User :) -
@caw add the workaround?
@sdetweil i think some of the Synology users have the same issue with permissions an their nas
@caw this is really a docker on synology implementation issue. you created files needed by the docker container using an outside the container userid.
many modules use their folder as a cache storage location
I apologize but I am very very new to all of this and I was looking for a little guidance on syncing with my Apple Calendar using MMM-CalDAV. The issue I am running into is that in the [LOG] it is showing [CALDAV] /MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalDAV/service/.ICLOUD_family.ics is not found. This is cascading into a lot of issues which results in the fetch of the family calendar isn’t happening. I am sure I am missing something simple but I can’t for the life of me find it out. Would it be possible to get some help and which direction could I investigate? Thank you all in advance.