Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Version 2.30.0 Calendar fix for clipping broadcast events
@sdetweil so I decided to do a clean install of my MM, and the timezone thing fixed itself. However, it’s still not displaying all of my calendars. Two show up immediately, one shows up after the refreshinterval, and the rest don’t show up at all. I tried re-entering all of the private ical URLs, but those didn’t change anything. The log still shows it’s pulling x events from each URL, but they’re not displaying. Did you still want me to email you the logs?
@angeliKITTYx no you fixed the event date problem
so another test is to add a position to the default cal module and see if you see the events there
you did npm install in the ext3 module folder right?
he has a sub module that needs to be installed -
@angeliKITTYx and another question. how did you upgrade?
you on pi or windows or?
@sdetweil It’s on pi.
I used these instructions, and I also did the “Not Working?” section.
@angeliKITTYx no, i meant upgrade MagicMirror
@sdetweil I deleted it off my Pi and then followed the Manual Install. Then I reinstalled all of my modules. It was a fresh install - I didn’t upgrade it.
@sdetweil I deleted it off my Pi and then followed the Manual Install. Then I reinstalled all of my modules. It was a fresh install - I didn’t upgrade it.
@angeliKITTYx i meant before, when you had the troubles
@sdetweil I used the command on the MM documents page
git pull && npm run install-mm
But I always had to remove the package-lock.json and package.json too
@angeliKITTYx ok… I wish more would use my upgrade script…
it fixes problems you all report as we go along…