Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic error removal
I had a lot of trouble with other module while the MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic was active. The last commit is more than 7 years ago and there are many open issues. So I decided to rework the module. I’ve sent a pull request of course. Let’s see if the original developer is still active.
This is my fork: MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic
Biggest change: the module has no other dependencies except the MagicMirror anymore. So you can completely remove the old module with all node modules in that folder. An installation is also not necessary. The old config is unchanged. Just restart your mirror!
There is just a warning message left. This is not so easy of fix (Google has changed the markers). So you really need to work n the API to get a new map and so on. I’ll update this, if the markers do not work anymore.
So far everything is fine in my environment. The console shows no errors anymore.
@chrisfr1976 Nice work! Since there are much older unresponded Pull Requests, I suggest to replace the original module with your fork on the module list. If the upstream project gets active again, we can undo that change in the list. What do you think?
@KristjanESPERANTO yes, why not!
@chrisfr1976 Great. I have just adjusted the list in the wiki accordingly :-)