Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I am looking for a working PIR Modul/function
@sdetweil @KristjanESPERANTO Now I finally had time to look into this problem further.
Thank you very much for your tips. The module works great.
But… I have installed the monitor vertically. This means that the MMM has to be displayed rotated by 90 degrees. When I start the MMM, it is displayed as intended. But as soon as the monitor is switched off and on again by the module, the display is no longer rotated. In other words, the MMM is then displayed as if the monitor is installed horizontally.
Incidentally, I set the rotated display via the Raspberry OS menu.
Do any of you have a tip on how to keep the display vertical even after movement has been recognised?
Many thanks in advance.
@Klinge yes, the commands used will need to be told about the rotated screen. i don’t remember what those are
if you are running the first release of bookworm with the wayland compositor
might be the command to sleep/wake up
see wl-randr --help
what about SimplePIR doesnt work? did you add any issues to the github?
i wrote it so interested to know what doesn’t work, since its currently running on my mirror.
I had the same issue with MMM-Universal-Pir.
The maker had made a comment ABOUT It in the readme, with the correct commands after mine e-mail.
Read the readme and you are How to do. -
Thank you all for your tips.
Now I could realize it with the parameter
--transform 90
My complete configuration is
{ module: "MMM-Universal-Pir", position: "top_right", config: { gpioCommand: "gpiomon -r -b gpiochip0 17", onCommand: "wlr-randr --output HDMI-A-1 --on --transform 90", offCommand: "wlr-randr --output HDMI-A-1 --off", deactivateDelay: 180 * 1000, } },
and it works.
@Klinge If you find you need an alterantive-