Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Update a module whit git pull didn't work...
Hi, everybody
after a long time I am working again on my Magic Mirror. :-)
But today I have a little problem…
i like to update one module. I think no problem. I can use “git pull”. I change into the modul folder and write git pull. But now they will update magic mirror and not the module. OK i checked if i really in the module folder. Ok i am right. Then i searched in this forum and Iam found only thread about updating all module at the same time or that i should use git pull. But that I have used.
Have somebody a idea what i do wrong?
greets gismo
@gismo2006 Are you trying to run “git pull” from the specific module’s folder? You need to cd inside before “git pull” will work.
hey @Burner911
yes, i have try git pull from specific folder. at my problem the modul was called MMM-Remote-Control So i write.
cd MagigMirror
cd modules
cd MMM-Remote-Control
git pullbut nothing. my pi like to update mm² and not the modul.
greets gismo2006
@gismo2006 sounds like the directory isnt a git repo. did you use git clone to install the module or did you manually download the files etc.
ok i have tested it now again. after i write git pull my pi write this…
remote: Counting objects: 24, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 24 (delta 11), reused 9 (delta 9), pack-reused 5
Entpacke Objekte: 100% (24/24), Fertig.
5d63065…9bd42ac develop -> origin/develop
Already up-to-date.And because this link i think it like to update mm² and not the module.
@gismo2006 I think I am actually having a similar issue as you. I updated the same module last night using git pull, but the module is not functioning properly. @strawberry-3-141 any chance we need to npm install inside the folder again?
I have to lie to answer this question.
I think i have install it with git clone. but iam not realy sure. but i think you are right that can be the misstake… :-)
greets gismo
@Burner911 only if the dependencies have changed
Okay I have a new Problem. Because git pull didn’t work, i Download the git Repo as an zip file and extract into my module folder. I change the name to the correct module name and rename the old remote Modul folder. Then I restart mm2 and I only see a white page and my pi crashes. But I remember i have seen this Problem in this forum in a post too. But now I’ll decide to go sleep i will check this tomorrow.
So good night good morning or whatever is right now :-)
@gismo2006 well, you will have the same problem again next time when you have downloaded it manually
did you install the dependencies?