Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to install a module?
@KirAsh4106 Thanks! I successfully updated my current time.
@mattlugar As for the module piece, I’m still having a hard time. I went to the creator’s gihub page and saw their config file. My questions are:
- Do I replace my current weather module or add it as a new module?
- I see that there are other files attached such as the .CSS file and wuforecast.js. Where do I place those? Do I download them and add them to the module folder?
I really want to thank you for your time. I’m really grateful.
You should install all the files as they appear on the github page. Also the translations dir+content.
Could you post logs of your mirror trying to start? See Troubleshooting for details on how to get logs etc.
Also, just in case: MMM-WunderGround and wuforecast are not the same thing…
@RedNax First of all, thank you so much for helping.
I guess my question is after I download and extract the zip files. Do I invididually drag each file into their respective location and then configure my config.js or is there another way to do this?
You should extract everything that’s in the zipfile as-is to the intended module destination ie:
in case of this module…It’d be easier if you’d do a git clone in the modules directory…
pi@MagicMirrorPi:~/MagicMirror/modules/ $ git clone
which will create the MMM-WunderGround dir and fille it with all the files from the repository. Then add the config section in
Note from admin: Please use Markdown to format your post so it is easier to read!
@RedNax OMG thank you!!! Again, i’m just a level 1 n00b. This is AWESOME! So this is what Github is about…
GitHub/git is a lot more than just “that”. It’s a way for us developer to maintain our code, have multiple versions of the same thing, multiple branches, test ones, etc., etc. It’s a repository. If I make a mistake tonight while coding, I can revert back to an earlier state very easy without needing to remember what I did before I messed up. It’s a beautiful thing.
God, you developers have all the fun