Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Github Tutorial
I was looking through the log of magicmirror and I found and error. It turned out to be an error in the danish translation file da.json. The smallest error ever, but an error, none the less.
I am totally new to git and github, and are therefore not sure how to proceed. I am hoping that somebody will add an small post in the tutorial section of this forum with a “You’ve fixed a bug; whats next”, that simply explains how to handle the git-part and upload the fix to the repository. Hopefully this could encourage more people to help and contribute.
I know I could read more general guides about git, but I am hoping that somebody would also explain about the branches in the repository and the specific parts concerning the magicmirror repository. -
- fork the repository on github by clicking on the fork button on the repository page
- clone your new created repository
- switch to develop branch
git checkout develop
- make your changes
- stage your changed files
git add file_a file_b ...
- commit your changes
git commit -m "This is what I have changed"
- push your local changes to github
git push
- create a pull request on your repository page to merge your changes to the main project
I am also new to GitHub. It won’t let me do git push because I am not signed in. However, I don’t know how to sign in without creating another account. Could someone point me in the right direction?
@strawberry-3-141 ( or anyone else who knows what they’re doing )
The only way I was able to make the changes I wanted was to go on
I would like to be able to push changes from my pi, but I think that doesn’t work since I can’t sign in. What do I do? -
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Feb 26, 2017, 10:46 PM Feb 26, 2017, 10:45 PM
@AAPS when I’m trying to make changes to the repo the cli asks me for my github acc and password
you can try this
@strawberry-3.141 Oh yeah! when I do git push it asks me for my user and password. However, it says that everything is up to date when it isn’t. Maybe I did something wrong.
@AAPS did you commit your files?
@strawberry-3.141 Come to think of it … It didn’t even show the changes when I did git status. I wonder why this is. Yes I did commit my files.
Now I know that my problem wasn’t that I was not signed in. I probably shouldn’t try to have two versions of the mirror (one as a backup on GitHub and one that is showing). Maybe this is somehow messing things up for me.