Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@nevint I consciously made the decision to not do that. Because this module covers many sports, it can easily take up a lot of space with just the current day’s games. So it shows just today’s games only. In fact, the way it is architected means it is capable of only showing a single date’s worth of games.
Thanks for adding MLS!
@j.e.f.f Totally understand. It’s still my favorite mod so far! Great job!
j.e.f.f Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by j.e.f.f Sep 8, 2017, 2:06 PM Sep 8, 2017, 1:42 PM
@nevint I think I may have discovered a way to get CFL scores without using CFL’s API… read: no api key required. Stay tuned!!
EDIT Spoke too soon. Not going to work. I thought I had found an open TSN data data feed that they use for the scoreboard, but it turns out it’s locked down. I had mistaken the fact that I was using the same browser the explore the feed as I was using to access, and therefore the browser session was authorized. The second I tried a separate browser, I got “Access Denied.”
Version 1.2 released. Now with NCAAF support!!
@j.e.f.f You are the best! I simply cannot thank you enough!
@Spankythemusical you’re quite welcome. Let me know if you see anything weird, and if possible note the approximate time on the game clock when it happened.
The even better news is that I can use the same feed for NCAA basketball. I’ll add that in the coming weeks as the season gets underway.
@j.e.f.f Nice job! It is working fine for me.
@nevint Update! I think I’ve found a feed that gives provides CFL scores without requiring an AI key. I’ve coded it, but I want to run it through its paces this weekend just to be sure everything works as expected. Stay tuned!
Just checking in on my favorite module. Are multiple instances still a possible future enhancement?