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Add symboly/icon in a modul
Hi i want to add symboly/icon in a modul. But I can not do it. The symbol is said to be the result or it can be set over the config…can any one help me pleas ?
This is the module code.
'use strict'; /* global Module */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-mqtt * * By Javier Ayala * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register('MMM-mqtt', { defaults: { mqttServer: 'mqtt://', loadingText: 'Loading MQTT Data...', topic: '', showTitle: false, title: 'MQTT Data', interval: 300000, postText: '' }, start: function() {'Starting module: ' +; this.loaded = false; this.mqttVal = ''; this.updateMqtt(this); }, updateMqtt: function(self) { self.sendSocketNotification('MQTT_SERVER', { mqttServer: self.config.mqttServer, topic: self.config.topic }); setTimeout(self.updateMqtt, self.config.interval, self); }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); if (!this.loaded) { wrapper.innerHTML = this.config.loadingText; return wrapper; } if (this.config.showTitle) { var titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.innerHTML = this.config.title; wrapper.appendChild(titleDiv); } var mqttDiv = document.createElement('div'); mqttDiv.innerHTML = this.mqttVal.toString().concat(this.config.postText); wrapper.appendChild(mqttDiv); // here add the symbol return wrapper; }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'MQTT_DATA' && payload.topic === this.config.topic) { this.mqttVal =; this.loaded = true; this.updateDom(); } if (notification === 'ERROR') { this.sendNotification('SHOW_ALERT', payload); } } });
@dominic Are you trying to add the symbol as a font (e.g.: using Font Awesome) or are you trying to add the symbol as an SVG?
@j.e.f.f i try to ad a sysmbol as a font . But if you have an other idea, then it is ok.
@dominic You need to include
in yourgetStyles()
function.Here is an example:
getStyles: function () { return ["font-awesome.css"]; },
Then you can use classes to create a symbol:
var symbol = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fa fa-calendar"; //font awesome calendar icon
Take a look at the default calendar module to see how it’s been implemented there. -
@j.e.f.f thank you. But one question, who can i call the Symbol, so that is Displayed before
var mqttDiv = document.createElement('div'); mqttDiv.innerHTML = this.mqttVal.toString().concat(this.config.postText); wrapper.appendChild(mqttDiv); // here add the symbol
j.e.f.f Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by j.e.f.f Oct 3, 2017, 6:50 PM Oct 3, 2017, 6:12 PM
@dominic you can just insert text like so:
var mqttDiv = document.createElement('div'); mqttDiv.innerHTML = "< span class='fa fa-calendar'>< /span>" + this.mqttVal.toString().concat(this.config.postText); wrapper.appendChild(mqttDiv); // here add the symbol
(remove the spaces between the angle brackets and the words
. I needed to put it there to get it to render in this post.)or you can append multiple elements to your mqttDiv object, like so:
var mqttDiv = document.createElement('div'); var symbolEl = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fa fa-calendar"; //font awesome calendar icon var textEl = document.createElement("span"); textEl.innerHTML = this.mqttVal.toString().concat(this.config.postText); mqttDiv.appendChild(symbol) mqttDiv.appendChild(textEl); wrapper.appendChild(mqttDiv);
up to you which way you want to do it. No advantage either way.
Thank you! I will test it later.
It works!! Ehm is it possible to make it varriable, so i can choose the symbol with an entrie in the defaults ?
Module.register('MMM-mqtt', { defaults: { mqttServer: 'mqtt://', loadingText: 'Loading MQTT Data...', topic: '', showTitle: false, title: 'MQTT Data', interval: 300000, postText: '' },
j.e.f.f Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by j.e.f.f Oct 3, 2017, 7:44 PM Oct 3, 2017, 7:43 PM
@dominic indeed. it’s just a string, so you can have the string in the config, then insert it when you create the symbol object. Like so:
var symbolEl = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fa " + this.config.symbol;
Now with this code ( is the original code with added css file and with your part) i only get the text “loading MQTT DATA” before it has still worked with your code. Maybe it is to late or i don´t see the error…but if you can be so nice, can you add tell me wehre my error is and can you add the varribale code ? And thank you very much for your help. :)
'use strict'; /* global Module */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-mqtt * * By Javier Ayala * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register('MMM-mqtt', { defaults: { mqttServer: 'mqtt://', loadingText: 'Loading MQTT Data...', topic: '', showTitle: false, title: 'MQTT Data', interval: 300000, postText: '' }, start: function() {'Starting module: ' +; this.loaded = false; this.mqttVal = ''; this.updateMqtt(this); }, getStyles: function() { return ["MMM-DHT-Sensor.css", "font-awesome.css"]; }, updateMqtt: function(self) { self.sendSocketNotification('MQTT_SERVER', { mqttServer: self.config.mqttServer, topic: self.config.topic }); setTimeout(self.updateMqtt, self.config.interval, self); }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); if (!this.loaded) { wrapper.innerHTML = this.config.loadingText; return wrapper; } if (this.config.showTitle) { var titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.innerHTML = this.config.title; wrapper.appendChild(titleDiv); } var mqttDiv = document.createElement('div'); var symbolEl = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fa fa-calendar"; //font awesome calendar icon var textEl = document.createElement("span"); textEl.innerHTML = this.mqttVal.toString().concat(this.config.postText); mqttDiv.appendChild(symbol) mqttDiv.appendChild(textEl); wrapper.appendChild(mqttDiv); return wrapper; }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'MQTT_DATA' && payload.topic === this.config.topic) { this.mqttVal =; this.loaded = true; this.updateDom(); } if (notification === 'ERROR') { this.sendNotification('SHOW_ALERT', payload); } } });