Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Local IP address
Hey guys…
I’m planning to use MM2 as the main interface for our home automation project already started since 1 year… I would like to show the local IP address somewhere very discret and small at the bottom right…
Any suggestion?
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Jul 26, 2016, 12:09 AM Jul 26, 2016, 12:07 AM
one way would be a module with a node_helper something like
const NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'GET_IP') { exec('host raspberrypi', (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`exec error: ${error}`); return; } this.sendSocketNotification('IP', stdout); }); } } });
stdout will be something like “raspberrypi has address”
@strawberry-3.141 But, what’s about the screen location ? I didn’t find any builtin position like that…
@strawberry-3.141 and I will need to handle the text size from the module itself to be very small and discrete!?
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Jul 26, 2016, 12:27 AM Jul 26, 2016, 12:26 AM
you can add something like
.ip-font { font-size: 8px; }
in custom.css and use this class for your displaying dom or create an own css file for your module because it’s only module related :) -
Would you mind making that a module for everyone to use? (and I like the idea of “discreet” -
i will have a look on this later today ;)
@amanzimdwini I agree ;)
it’s already done