Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
What's the difference?
I can now use MMM-voice to hide and show any module individually or all at once . I currently have about 10 working. When I launch MM I only have one module showing. All others are hidden by design. I am quite pleased with this.
The past 2 days I’ve been trying to make the keyword put MMM-voice directly into voice mode, as I will only be using it in voice mode to hide and show modules, sort of like MMM-RemoteControl using voice. I’ve tried notifications and socketNotifications, triggered by the keyword, to send a VOICE notification to change the mode to VOICE but I am defeated. i would really appreciate some advice on how to accomplish this. Thanks
@Mykle1 not sure if i understand there is a check if the current mode is voice if so there will be no notification sent, you need to remove that if it is what you want
I want the keyword (HELLO LUCY) to put MMM-voice directly into voice mode without having to say voice. RIght now I have to say, “HELLO LUCY VOICE”
I’m sorry that my explanation was confusing.
So, this should do that?
" there is a check if the current mode is voice if so there will be no notification sent, you need to remove that"And, thank you for your help
@Mykle1 you only have to say the mode voice once after system start it will be then allways in the voice mode if you dont exit it.
I guess by changig this to voice you could also avoid saying it once
Thank you, mate.