Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Any MMM-Hive Users that can help, please?
@Damian Hi, I’ve updated, do you want to try it and let me know. I’ve added some test bits and bobs, but if you haven’t got the settings then these shouldn’t show up.
I was just testing and realised that when I was seeing the target temperature, it was when the system was in boost mode. So when not in boost mode, but the heating on, it’s not the same as previously, so it won’t show it’s heating. I need to look at how this is now working and update. You should see current temperature correctly using he updated code, but not target unless boost is on.
Thanks… but unfortunatly inside temp remains 0 :-(
I do now see battery icon, although Red… but would expect that seeing as it cannot access my thermostat ( Named as Hive, and put Hive as nodename into config )
Battery is good, only less than 6 months.
Just on the off chance I am missing the blatant obvious… can you please paste your full settings here that you made on yours? Obviously not your personal ones :-)
And your config to see what you put in there. … it’s always the smallest things that trip us up, so want to check everything 100% before I just give up on it.
@Damian I didn’t make any changes to the config really, apart from adding some other settings, but these default to false if not defined.
Could you enable debug in the config for MMM-Hive (debug: true,) and then load the magic mirror in a browser and enable developer tools (F12). In this window, ensure Console is the selected tab and then refresh the page (it’s easier to remove all other modules). When refreshed, you should then see a load of text when the hive module loads, something like the following:
Tue, 10 Apr 2018 14:45:16 GMT MMM-Hive received notification: INSIDE - Payload: [{“id”:“xxx”,“type”:“heating”,“sortOrder”:1,“created”:1521812393853,“parent”:“xxx”,“props”:
If you could copy / paste the text into notepad and then search for “type”
The bit I am interested in, is the text straight after “type” - so in the above example it’s “heating”
I am using the “type” to determine whether to pull back data for heating or hot water so if yours is named differently that is probably the issue. There might be more than one instance of “type”, so if you could let me know all.
Hopefully it’s just that and I can then add a new setting so you can choose the name.
The config I have just tested with:
{ module: "MMM-Hive", position: "top_right", header: "Hive", config: { username: '', password: '', postcode: '', updateInterval: 10 * 60000, outsideUrl: '', temperatureSuffix: ' °C', showNext: true, highestTemp: '30', highTemp: '25', lowTemp: '20', lowestTemp: '15', animatedLoading: true, debug: true, },
Had the same issue then restarted rpi then suddenly it appeared :-)
Thank you so much…
Thanks so much… I deleted then re-installed, and it works :-) Top man!
Now… how do I set lowest Temp for outside so anything higher than my setting will color the thermoeter icon like your example?
I know the inside will show red as its heating, then go grey when target reached, but unsure how to adjust outside the same way?
@Damian Hi, glad that it’s now working. I’m still going to work on it when I can, but at least no urgency now :)
For the outside temperature thermometer, check the readme on the github page (, specifically the following settings:
highestTemp - Set the highest temperature value, which when reached will use the ‘full thermometer’ icon, plus turn the icon red
highTemp - Set the high temperature value, which when reached will use the ‘three quarters full thermometer’ icon
lowTemp - Set the low temperature value, which when reached will use the ‘half full thermometer’ icon
lowestTemp - Set the lowest temperature value, which when reached will use the ‘quarter full thermometer’ icon
(anything below this temperature will use the ‘empty thermometer’ icon)Only when the temperature equals or is greater than the highestTemp value will the icon turn red.
Ahhhh… thanks.
I thought these referred to the inside temp? I will have another look at the config and see, but off hand I recall only 1 set? Those I thought were for inside… but will look more closely 2mor and play about.So yeah, very happy to have it actually working now, and that the link I gave you helped finding that BG changed things… and other MMM-Hive users on here will also appreciate the work you done to fix it.
Thanks again…