Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Get pictures from synology NAS - "Rediscover This Day"
i help me here very simple. on the Magicmirror side, i have a cronjob what get pictures every day per ssh/scp. To use this, i have add the magicmirror device to the knownhosts on the synology side (google for it).
on Synology side:
This Script is get the exif data of the images. write it to a CSV and then, get the path and write it to a mysqldb (This Script i run once every year one time per hand … i dont know it works perfectly… I think, that here are better coding people… this is quick and dirty. But it works for me. I cant show the Magicmirror side now, i am not at home - but you can use every Plugin with a upload folder… i can show my “Plugin” in the next days if you want…#!/bin/bash # # This script is get the exif data (if set) from all # pictures (jpg/JPG) in a define path (recursiv). # It writes the data to am MYSQL Database. # # It works native with Synology DSM (Tested with 6.0.2-xxxx) # # To use this script, put in the root folder of your photos # chmod 775 ./ make the script executable # ./ execute the scriptfile # # Where want you present your files? imagepath=/volume1/Intern/Fotos/MagicMirror/ # Variables for the temp files (will delete at End of the Script exportcsv=./export.csv importcsv=./import.csv # MySql Data username=root password=PASSWORD database=ExifData table=Bilder shopt -s globstar extglob exiv2 -pa -g DateTimeOriginal **/*.@(jpg|JPG) | awk -v pwd="$PWD/" -v dq='"' -v OFS=',' '{ fn = substr($0, 1, match($0, / *Exif\.Photo/)-1) print dq pwd fn dq, dq $(NF-1) dq, dq $NF dq }' >$exportcsv mysql -u$username -p$password -e "use $database" -e " TRUNCATE Bilder;" # Write data to mysql for f in $exportcsv do mysql -u$username -p$password -e "use $database" -e " LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$f' INTO TABLE $table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (path,date,time);" done
This script is copying and resizing the images:
importcsv=/volume1/Intern/Fotos/Bilder/import.csv imagepath=/volume1/Intern/Fotos/MagicMirror/ #remove old images rm /volume1/Intern/Fotos/Bilder/import.csv rm /volume1/Intern/Fotos/MagicMirror/*.* #Get Date from tommorow DATE=$(date --date='1 day' +%m-%d) #DATE=$(date +%m-%d) #MYSQL Query by date from tomorrow id=$(mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -s -N -e "SELECT path FROM ExifData.Bilder WHERE date like '%$DATE' INTO OUTFILE '$importcsv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY ''") # Copy files with exifdata from tomorow before one,two, three or whatever years while read p; do cp "$p" $imagepath done < $importcsv #(DELETE THE SPACE BETWEEN < AND $!!!!) cd $imagepath shopt -s nullglob i=0 for f in *.JPG *.jpg *.jpeg; do exiv2 -r "$i"_%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S rename ./"$f" i=$((i+1)) done for f in *.JPG *.jpg *.jpeg; do convert -thumbnail 800 ./"$f" ./"${f%}.jpg" rm ./"$f" done
I hope this helps - you can do it! Have fun!
Awesome ! I will try this soon !! Thank’s again !
what about your photo plugin ?
Yes @yawns,
this is the plugin what i use. i have only customize the css stuff.
would LOVE to do this!!