Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Kalliope assistant + MM
@dmwilsonkc indeed it’s weird, I use this code as it in prod on my mirror without any issue.
Maybe a recent update of chromium or MM. -
@sdetweil Thanks for the info, I didn’t see it in time. I deleted the entire line of code. It worked after that. I will replace the line with your suggestion this evening.
i have 5 lines of console.log on my MMM-kalliope.js
@sispheor well, as a new MM user, obvious is not so…
Guys, don’t hesitate to send a pull request to the project with your update. Including the “port” documentation part.
@sispheor @sdetweil Hey guys, thanks for your help! I got things working over the weekend.
Here’s a short video.
@sispheor I have made a minor tweak in your code on my fork to display the mycroft icon just above the title, which in my case I have changed to Mycroft. But I was wondering, any ideas on how I could tweak your code to display the message for an interval based on how long the message is? I played with it a little bit, but I think I’m missing exactly how it works. I tried to add an if statement for example:
for(var i = 0; i < this.messages.length; i++){ var dif = currentDate.getTime() - this.messages[i].timestamp.getTime(); if (this.message.length > 30){ var secondsFromCurrentDateToMessageDate = dif / 1500; }else{ var secondsFromCurrentDateToMessageDate = dif / 1000; } var secondsBetweenDates = Math.abs(secondsFromCurrentDateToMessageDate); // delete the message if to old if (secondsBetweenDates > this.config.keep_seconds){ this.messages.splice(i, 1); } } },
But the old messages never get cleaned off the mirror.
Any thoughts about how to increase the time interval that the message is displayed based on the length of the message?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Nevermind, I see what I’m doing wrong here. I will work on getting messages to display for different intervals based on how long they are and let you know what I come up with.:face_savouring_delicious_food: -
Hello , I want to use Kalliope on my MM but I Have installed Kalliope (and its work i can say “hello” ) i Have MMM-kalliope on my modules.
i have made config.js but nothing display on my MM :(
what i suppose to do ?
my Englishis is not good so don’t blame me please
have a nice day ! -
@jchenaud delete the line 86
console.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload);
I need to update this part.