Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Memo & IFTTT hack to Scrobble Amazon Music to Magic Mirror
We have multiple Echo devices throughout the house that we use for multi-room music streaming Amazon Music Unlimited. I’ve been desperately trying to get around the “ (aka MMM-Scrobbler module) cannot scrobble music from Amazon Music on Echo devices” issue for A WHILE now. If anyone else has had the same challenge, here’s what I did for a short term solution until (if ever?) proper scrobbling is enabled.Requirements:
Show the last 10 songs played via Amazon Music Unlimited on my Echo devices in a simple list on the Magic Mirror; as a new song is played, remove the last entry so there’s always just 10 showing in the list. No album art, no fancy stuff - just the song title and artist.Solution:
A. Install the MMM-Memo module and make minor tweaks to the CSS-
- Custom CSS (see very bottom of this post for full file since I couldn’t figure out how to upload the .txt file I copied it to here)
B. Create 2 IFTTT recipes
- Every time a new song is played on Amazon Music (Alexa ‘if’ trigger in IFTTT), send an HTTP GET request in “application/json” format via webhooks action to MagicMirror MMM-Memo module to add the song name and artist to the Memo list
http://ExternalIP:ExternalPort/AddMemo?memoTitle=alexa%20playlist&item={{SongName}}%20by%20{{ArtistName}} - Every time a new song is played on Amazon Music (Alexa ‘if’ trigger in IFTTT), send an HTTP request via webhooks action to MagicMirror MMM-Memo module to remove the 10th item on the Memo list
*IMPORTANT: If you do not have port forwarding enabled or some method to allow IFTTT to send these HTTTP requests to your Mirror, this WILL NOT WORK. IFTTT needs to be able to access the public IP/url for your mirror as it’s grabbing info from the Amazon cloud bouncing out to the IFTTT cloud and then attempting the web request from there to your Mirror installation.
End Result:
Custom CSS for MMM-Memo:
- As mentioned above, including it here since I couldn’t upload the entire file . This changes the default font and a couple other components in the module to help make the list items more legible.
/* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-Memo * * By Christophe Michel @schnibel * March 2017 * MIT Licensed. * * Source of memo note : * Source of colors : */ @import url(''); .small-info { font-size: 15; align: left; } .xxsmall { font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; } .symbol span { display: inline-block; -ms-transform: translate(0, 2px); /* IE 9 */ -webkit-transform: translate(0, 2px); /* Safari */ transform: translate(0, 2px); } .quote-container { margin-top: 20px; position: relative; } .note { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; font-family: 'Encode Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 50px; box-shadow: 0 10px 10px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } .note .author { display: block; margin: 30px 0 0 0; text-align: right; } /* Whites / Pastels */ .Snow {background: #fffafa;} .Snow2 {background: #eee9e9;} .Snow3 {background: #cdc9c9;} .Snow4 {background: #8b8989;} .GhostWhite {background: #f8f8ff;} .WhiteSmoke {background: #f5f5f5;} .Gainsboro {background: #dccdc;} .FloralWhite {background: #fffaf0;} .OldLace {background: #fdf5e6;} .Linen {background: #faf0e6;} .AntiqueWhite {background: #faebd7;} .AntiqueWhite2 {background: #eedfcc;} .AntiqueWhite3 {background: #cdc0b0;} .AntiqueWhite4 {background: #8b8378;} .PapayaWhip {background: #ffefd5;} .BlanchedAlmond {background: #ffebcd;} .Bisque {background: #ffe4c4;} .Bisque2 {background: #eed5b7;} .Bisque3 {background: #cdb79e;} .Bisque4 {background: #8b7d6b;} .PeachPuff {background: #ffdab9;} .PeachPuff2 {background: #eecbad;} .PeachPuff3 {background: #cdaf95;} .PeachPuff4 {background: #8b7765;} .NavajoWhite {background: #ffdead;} .Moccasin {background: #ffe4b5;} .Cornsilk {background: #fff8dc;} .Cornsilk2 {background: #eee8dc;} .Cornsilk3 {background: #cdc8b1;} .Cornsilk4 {background: #8b8878;} .Ivory {background: #fffff0;} .Ivory2 {background: #eeeee0;} .Ivory3 {background: #cdcdc1;} .Ivory4 {background: #8b8b83;} .LemonChiffon {background: #fffacd;} .Seashell {background: #fff5ee;} .Seashell2 {background: #eee5de;} .Seashell3 {background: #cdc5bf;} .Seashell4 {background: #8b8682;} .Honeydew {background: #f0fff0;} .Honeydew2 {background: #e0eee0;} .Honeydew3 {background: #c1cdc1;} .Honeydew4 {background: #838b83;} .MintCream {background: #f5fffa;} .Azure {background: #f0ffff;} .AliceBlue {background: #f0f8ff;} .Lavender {background: #e6e6fa;} .LavenderBlush {background: #fff0f5;} .MistyRose {background: #ffe4e1;} .White {background: #ffffff;} /* Grays */ .Black {background: #000000;} .DarkSlateGray {background: #2f4f4f;} .DimGray {background: #696969;} .SlateGray {background: #708090;} .LightSlateGray {background: #778899;} .Gray {background: #bebebe;} .LightGray {background: #d3d3d3;} /* Blues */ .MidnightBlue {background: #191970;} .Navy {background: #000080;} .CornflowerBlue {background: #6495ed;} .DarkSlateBlue {background: #483d8b;} .SlateBlue {background: #6a5acd;} .MediumSlateBlue {background: #7b68ee;} .LightSlateBlue {background: #8470ff;} .MediumBlue {background: #0000cd;} .RoyalBlue {background: #4169e1;} .Blue {background: #0000ff;} .DodgerBlue {background: #1e90ff;} .DeepSkyBlue {background: #00bfff;} .SkyBlue {background: #87ceeb;} .LightSkyBlue {background: #87cefa;} .SteelBlue {background: #4682b4;} .LightSteelBlue {background: #b0c4de;} .LightBlue {background: #add8e6;} .PowderBlue {background: #b0e0e6;} .PaleTurquoise {background: #afeeee;} .DarkTurquoise {background: #00ced1;} .MediumTurquoise {background: #48d1cc;} .Turquoise {background: #40e0d0;} .Cyan {background: #00ffff;} .LightCyan {background: #e0ffff;} .CadetBlue {background: #5f9ea0;} /* Greens */ .MediumAquamarine {background: #66cdaa;} .Aquamarine {background: #7fffd4;} .DarkGreen {background: #006400;} .DarkOliveGreen {background: #556b2f;} .DarkSeaGreen {background: #8fbc8f;} .SeaGreen {background: #2e8b57;} .MediumSeaGreen {background: #3cb371;} .LightSeaGreen {background: #20b2aa;} .PaleGreen {background: #98fb98;} .SpringGreen {background: #00ff7f;} .LawnGreen {background: #7cfc00;} .Chartreuse {background: #7fff00;} .MediumSpringGreen {background: #00fa9a;} .GreenYellow {background: #adff2f;} .LimeGreen {background: #32cd32;} .YellowGreen {background: #9acd32;} .ForestGreen {background: #228b22;} .OliveDrab {background: #6b8e23;} .DarkKhaki {background: #bdb76b;} .Khaki {background: #f0e68c;} /* Yellows */ .PaleGoldenrod {background: #eee8aa;} .LightGoldenrodYellow {background: #fafad2;} .LightYellow {background: #ffffe0;} .Yellow {background: #ffff00;} .Gold {background: #ffd700;} .LightGoldenrod {background: #eedd82;} .Goldenrod {background: #daa520;} .DarkGoldenrod {background: #b8860b;} /* Browns */ .RosyBrown {background: #bc8f8f;} .IndianRed {background: #cd5c5c;} .SaddleBrown {background: #8b4513;} .Sienna {background: #a0522d;} .Peru {background: #cd853f;} .Burlywood {background: #deb887;} .Beige {background: #f5f5dc;} .Wheat {background: #f5deb3;} .SandyBrown {background: #f4a460;} .Tan {background: #d2b48c;} .Chocolate {background: #d2691e;} .Firebrick {background: #b22222;} .Brown {background: #a52a2a;} /* Oranges */ .DarkSalmon {background: #e9967a;} .Salmon {background: #fa8072;} .LightSalmon {background: #ffa07a;} .Orange {background: #ffa500;} .DarkOrange {background: #ff8c00;} .Coral {background: #ff7f50;} .LightCoral {background: #f08080;} .Tomato {background: #ff6347;} .OrangeRed {background: #ff4500;} .Red {background: #ff0000;} /* Pinks/Violets */ .HotPink {background: #ff69b4;} .DeepPink {background: #ff1493;} .Pink {background: #ffc0cb;} .LightPink {background: #ffb6c1;} .PaleVioletRed {background: #db7093;} .Maroon {background: #b03060;} .MediumVioletRed {background: #c71585;} .VioletRed {background: #d02090;} .Violet {background: #ee82ee;} .Plum {background: #dda0dd;} .Orchid {background: #da70d6;} .MediumOrchid {background: #ba55d3;} .DarkOrchid {background: #9932cc;} .DarkViolet {background: #9400d3;} .BlueViolet {background: #8a2be2;} .Purple {background: #a020f0;} .MediumPurple {background: #9370db;} .Thistle {background: #d8bfd8;}
Nice! I just did this recently too. I had been using scrobbler in chrome but it would not stay logged in and like you I have multiple devices playing music. So I set up IFTTT to update song name…
Any way this could be set up to show what is currently playing? With album art, artist and song name?
Hey Jason - Currently as soon as the track changes, the IFTTT trigger fires and the web request places a new memo on my MMM-Memo mirror module so I’d say within about 5-10 seconds of the new track playing via any Echo device, it’s showing on my mirror. I think that solves for the first “currently playing” part.
And then your second - much trickier - question…I am not aware of any way to have the JSON formatted request carry the album art information over from IFTTT via webhooks to be displayed in MMM-Memo. I started down the track of creating a custom Alexa skill using Amazon ASK to then try and find a way to display Alexa cards (like what show up on Echo Show) to the mirror but ran into multiple roadblocks.
Open to ideas though! Like you, I’m curious if anyone else out there on the boards has found a more elegant solution? I posted this idea/pieced-together solution after hours of trying to find something to work hoping I might not be the only one struggling with the concept.