Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Displaying modules depending on Sunrise/Sunset time
I’ve been searching the forum for that module. I can’t remember the name of it, which makes it hard to search for. I know it’s out there.
Oh thanks a lot for helping me ! I’ve been searching for the module on the whole Internet for days but didn’t find anything :persevering_face:
And as I am not a Java developer, I can’t reinvent the wheel hehe -
You can go here to get free sunrise/set data:
Then create a module that depending on time of day to display the image you want…
Example of how I do it:
var ev1= moment().format(“HH”); //get current hour
var ev2 = moment(srss.sunrise).format(“HH”); //converts my free data to the format
var ev3 = moment(srss.sunset).format(“HH”);
var day = ‘modules/MMM-Whateveryourmoduleis/images/day.png’;
var night = ‘modules/MMM-Whateveryourmoduleis/images/night.png’;
Then build yourself an img like this:That’ll do it.
I’ll give it a try !
However the two modules I’m using display pictures that are evolving everyday
For example for the moon, the module shows the phase of the moon depending on the day we are… And the globe module shows the exposure of earth to the sun based on the time of the day as it uses pictures from satellites. -
Maybe you could tweak mmm-suncalc to send notifications at these events. That should be easy and useful for many others as well
This post is deleted! -
@marcusjsh If you get stuck send me a message, happy to help!
@marcusjsh Well still doable. Does the return give you a json or xml return?