Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
We card for alcohol
Like the title says, I’m building a mirror for a friend’s bar. Going to display mmm-clock, mmm-compliments for the daily specials, mmm-news for sports. But we’d like to find a way to display must be born on or before this date… And have it display the current days date but the year be 21 years prior, example today would show 27, January 1998. Any suggestions?
justjim1220 Module Developerlast edited by justjim1220 Jan 27, 2019, 10:57 PM Jan 27, 2019, 10:39 PM
Is this what you are looking for?
Let me know if there is anything you want changed… :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
@justjim1220 yeah that’s pretty much along the lines of what we’re aiming for. We put the mirror up yesterday, looks pretty good. Still trying to figure out a better, easier way to update it daily. Not all the bartenders are exactly the brightest bulbs in the box. For now we’re using remote control to change the compliments as we’re using that to show daily specials.!
Ok, the one I posted above will change the date daily.
It will show today’s date minus 21 yearsGet it here:
I fixed the message so you can change it to however you want it worded.
Please do agit pull && npm i
to update
Thanks! -
link text
Thanks looks great! -