Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
First Steps
i haven’t the error after i use
'‘sudo apt-get install libxss1 lsof’but now i have a new one, the same error but with the code that “” is missing
why isn’t so many pakets install?
@geeflaxx is your raspbian version up to date?
i remove the order MagicMirror and install it automatically
npm WARN grunt-yamllint@0.2.0 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.0 but none was installed.
Dependencies installation Done!We’re ready! Run DISPLAY=:0 npm start from the ~/MagicMirror directory to start your MagicMirror.
i look the error in my installation is red ’ UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY grunt@1.0.1’
and now i use ‘npm start’
the same error is still missing
if i use sudo apt-get install libconf-2-4
E: Unable to locate package libconf-2-4i think it’s the false access i don’t have the rights cause (permission deniedmaybe)?
or i think too that i haven’t the electron-prebuilt pakets ?
@strawberry-3-141 please help me
okay i think my script electron js/electron.js is destroy
i installed with sudo apt-get install libconf2-4 and it’s work
but if i started npm the same error but with ‘’
i am so desperately, i think i use the problem but the same come with another code…
why is that red? -
@geeflaxx there must be something wrong with your whole setup. i would personally go and do it again with this instructions