Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Automatic installation
Then there’s still something wrong with your base OS install. We can go back and forth with this and not figure out what’s going on. That’s not ideal. A better solution is if you can start by following the complete tutorial that I wrote up yesterday (and will complete today). The parts already written is how to get the Raspberry Pi 3 setup, updated, and configured properly before you even try to install MM² on it. Please try to follow the steps there before you try to run the automatic installer again. There are a lot of step-by-step instructions complete with screen captures for you to follow along with.
@KirAsh4 I will réinstall my rpi but there is no différence with your tutorial
ok found, the link yesterday was not the same v2-beta in place of master
ok now
can you please show the link ? did you managed to sot this ?
@gauka12345 use the scripts on my repo the readme for the commands to enter