Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
GPIO help
I was trying to run thesudo usermod -a -G gpio pi
step on the MMM-PIR-sensor module and for some reason it wont let me run it. I.e. it wont let me open up the mirror after i completed the steps and there is no system dialogue while running the command, as in it just skips to the next bar without any response to the user. it is also the same with the next command,
sudo chmod u+s /opt/vc/bin/tvservice && sudo chmod u+s /bin/chvt
@PHAGE-GOV sorry, I don’t understand what you said
Skips to the next bar?
Can’t open mirror?Those commands don’t have a response.
so like when i type those commands in the terminal nothing will apear, is that normal?
Depends on which pi and version of Raspbian you are running.
that first command is calling the WiringPi library, right? The one that’s no longer supported and don’t cover the last couple of Pi hardware releases?