Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MyWeather stuck on Loading
I can confirm my version of is no longer working or supported due to the doomed nature of the weather underground API.
I wrote MMM-DarkSkyForecast to replace it. It uses the Dark Sky API for weather data.
Find it here if you’re interested. -
it appears that has a trial API that allows retrivial of hourly weather, once the trail expires the API stops working and the module stops loading (stuck on ‘loading…’). My kludgy work around was to go into the module’s node_help.js and on line 45 change “/forecast/hourly” to “/forecast/daily”
@bmyers66 Where do you live if you don’t mind me asking…
Also in my case it stopped working. Has anybody figured out yet why this is happening?
It stopped working because Weather Underground is no longer giving out free keys and the keys that are out there have stopped working… the ONLY way this module can work again is if the provider is changed.
@cowboysdude The module works with a API. The Waether Underground API is not an issue in this case.