Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Transit module stopped working
@sdetweil Thank you for the info. You helped me out the first time I had an issue too, I’m very appreciative of your help once again. Does that mean the next step is too hope the contributor releases an update?
@nipper2000h yes, probably. I would post an issue to the module GitHub page to inform them
@sdetweil Thanks again.
@sdetweil what makes you think the API changed? ( I am the author, and am looking into it now)
@Elaniobro I posted a couple messages back the error info. node_helper line 106 called something which threw an error
2020-06-30 09:41:59.974] [ERROR] (node:882) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Error: Illegal group end indicator for Message .transit_realtime.FeedMessage: 7 (not a group) 0|mm | at /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-nyc-transit/node_helper.js:106:15
@sdetweil how did you get to error message? What’s the CLI?
@elliob it was in the pm2 log in the 1st post of this topic
@elliob I’m using pm2 to start MM so from the root directory:
pm2 logs mm
@nipper2000h the logs are stored in the users .pm2 folder. doesn’t matter where I issue the pm2 commands
The module is getting the data, but its not updating with the
method. I am not sure if this was deprecated or not. Looking into it.