A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Starting a new project: Magic Mirror on a small 2.2 inches screen
I’ve had an idea for the past few months and I’m starting to implement it. It’s about using the MagicMirror software on a 2.2 inch screen, with the idea of showing elementary things, like the time, the calendar, news, the weather, etc. In this case I won’t need a two-way mirror
Here is a picture of the first steps with the project.
I hope you like the idea as much as I do.
@qu1que if you use the pages module, you can have it show one thing per page and rotate or go thru them randomly
Yeah, that’s my idea, to show several modules, but only one at a time on different pages
More progress, now with music and 2 buttons to control it. You can see a video on this link: