Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Is it possible to ad an Arduino?
wishmaster270 Module Developerlast edited by wishmaster270 Sep 16, 2020, 7:16 PM Sep 16, 2020, 7:10 PM
@Shinji0912 Hi, I wrote a module which converts messages received at serial interfaces to notifications ( I have two Arduinos connected to my Pi with gesture and distance sensors.
My temperature module ( can receive notifications to update the values.
Edit: The notification feature is only available in the development branch at the moment. I will mere it to the master the next days.
There are examples integrated which show how to connect an esp32 board with WiFi to get temperature and humidity.
Currently I am working on a module which should use MQTT to control an WS2801 LED Strip. But this one is in a very early state and will take a while to develop. -
@wishmaster270 Wow thank you very much , im completly new to this and first of all this helps me out very much and im going to try to make my own module showing an API from our school , is it okay if i ask you questions when i need help?
and btw. rrealllyy appreciate your help :) -
@sdetweil I tried the “Arduports” one but for some reason it didn’t worked for the sensors im using ^^
@Shinji0912 u have to have code running in the Arduino sending the data, doesn’t just happen
@sdetweil I know I’ve set it up but it didn’t worked.
@Shinji0912 seems pretty simple, connect serial port for arduino to serial port for PI…
arduino send 10
pi read 10 can test that without MagicMirror
This post is deleted! -
@sdetweil Thats my Current Arduino code :
volatile int32_t m_counter = 0; bool WasStarted = false; static const char *pcDHT11Prefix = "[sensor:DHT11:"; static const char *pcPostfix = "]"; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); Serial.println("[status:setup:starting]"); Serial.println("[sensor:DHT11:11]"); int test = 1; m_counter = test; if(test > 1) { WasStarted = false; Serial.println("[status:setup:failed]"); return; } delay(3000); WasStarted = true; Serial.println("[status:setup:started]"); delay(100); } void loop() { Serial.print(m_counter + 11); Serial.println(pcPostfix); if(m_counter % 3 == 0) { delay(1000); Serial.print(pcDHT11Prefix); Serial.print(m_counter + 11); Serial.println(pcPostfix); delay(2000); } if(m_counter >= 60) m_counter = 0; m_counter++; delay(1000); }
and i got the ArduPorts running on the MM itself
now it is running but always searching for the module … see Picture.
@Shinji0912 and the config for the port ??
config: { portname: "/dev/ttyUSB0",
ls /dev | grep -i usb
I don’t see a ttyUSB0 on my pi4…
is that the right one on pi?i would guess that is for a USB plugin serial port, not direct serial port…
I do have a /dev/serial1 (on all 3 of my pi devices, Pi0, Pi3, and Pi4)
I have it plugged in on my Raspberyy Pi3 and the config on the Pi itself is
modules: [ { module: 'MMM-ArduPort', position: 'bottom_right', header: 'Arduino Sensors', config: { portname: "/dev/ttyUSB0", updateInterval: 1, animationSpeed: 1000, displayIcons: true, showDescription: true, hideLoading: false, hideWaiting: false, useColors: true, sensors: [ { name: "DHT11", description: "Temperature", maxValue: 50, maxFormat: "({0}°C) VERY HIGH", highestValue: 30, highestFormat: "({0}°C) HIGH", highValue: 15, highFormat: "({0}°C) NORMAL", lowValue: 10, lowFormat: "({0}°C) LOW", lowestValue: 5, lowestFormat: "({0}°C) VERY LOW", minValue: 0, minFormat: "({0}°C) OK" }, ] } },
and im not pretty sure what u want to tell me (im not an native english speaker) i come from germany