Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
open again (temporarily)
@Bugsounet noooo please come back 😥😥
MMM-Spotify works now :)
I have open it -
@Bugsounet if i put it on my rasberry pi and you take away the module again I’m assuming it won’t work anymore? Sorry I’m new to rasberry pi and still trying to figure everything out 😩
don’t cry :)
You know i will not stop coding … I prefer make good thing and take time …in All case, actually i have not many time … (changing job and location)
So i prefer make on line my modules rather than make you wait a long time !but in the long run i will make my own mirror system (it’s planned!)
@Bugsounet good luck in your new job!
Thx, i start it in 15 days !
So imagine, i have not many time for coding !and besides what I tell you the internet connection will be really but really not great …
(maybe LTE altenative needed … i think) -
@Bugsounet Thanks a lot! Your modules are GREAT!
Hey guys,
I recently discovered this module and love it! Unfortunately, I can’t manage to enable the volume control via notifications. While other notifications such as “SPOTIFY_SHUFFLE” or “SPOTIFY_TOGGLE” work, “SPOTIFY_VOLUME_UP” or “_DOWN” won’t.I am using a usb macro pad as input device (mapped to numeric keys 1-10) with MMM-Keybindings. The following settings are a minimal working example from my config.js:
modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "MMM-KeyBindings", config: { enableKeyboard: true, handleKeys: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'], actions: [ { key: "1", notification: "SPOTIFY_SHUFFLE" }, { key: "2", notification: "SPOTIFY_VOLUME_DOWN" }, { module: "MMM-Spotify", position: "bottom_left", config: { volumeSteps: 5, debug: false, control: "hidden" } } ]
I also realized that the module is not receiving the current volume from my devices but is rather stuck at 100%.
Is there anyone who might have an idea of how to fix this problem? Thank you so much in advance!
Hey Requiemmg, I’m dealing with the exact same problem, so im very curious if you managed to fix the problem? thnx!