Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
What are your MM/Pi statistics?
My MM is hanging in my bathroom since 3 days and im trying to optimize it right now.
I had CPU problems but found out that MMM-DarkSkyForecast causes them so i disabled it.
My Modules are updating rarely (API calls > 30 min) and dont have any big animations (only things like newsfeed article fading…) so CPU is no problem anymore.My stats are:
- CPU: 0-5 %
- Temperature: 40-45 °C (heatsinks installed and no closed case)
- free RAM: 5-15 %
Raspberry Pi 3b+
MM 2.14.0pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm ls | grep electron ├─┬ electron@8.5.3 │ ├─┬ @electron/get@1.12.2 │ ├─┬ electron-chromedriver@8.0.0 │ │ ├─┬ electron-download@4.1.1 │ │ │ ├── electron-to-chromium@1.3.606
and MMM-NewPIR with ecoMode enabled (hides modules when no activity)
I read the well known thread electron cpu usage and my question is:
Are my stats normal? CPU an temperature are fine but the free RAM is a little bit concerning, isnt it? Are the 7 electron processes normal? Which electron version do you use (the electron cpu usage- thread is 3 years old)?
Thank you :)
@keineahnung123 I have been having the same issue. When RAM drops between 15 - 20% my mirror hangs so I have been disabling new modules I have added recently to see which ones are using up RAM. I have narrowed mine down to a few and have disabled them. I don’t know of a way to monitor the modules to see which ones use the most RAM. I usually hard boot, pull the plug, to get my mirror going again but I fear that may eventually damage my sd card.
@mumblebaj decent memory leak chasing doc.
mm does a lot all the time, so its harder to focus…
@sdetweil Thanks Sam. I will have a read through. I only started having memory issues when using modules from a certain developer. After removing those, my memory issues have gone away.
@mumblebaj i understand. i chased a ‘hang’ for over a year. all kinds of debugging. only when one.of my modules loaded. so its my fault…
i went thru the code hundreds of times.finally got a good log, and it wasnt a hang, it was out of memory… back thru the code…
sure enough, i saved a pointer to an image, then never freed it… and i had changed the code, so didnt even need it to begin with…
@sdetweil I am looking at rewriting the one module that I know is hogging my memory.
Hope you are getting better and hopefully heading home soon so you can get to your laptop again. All the best and good health. -
@mumblebaj thanks. makin progress…