Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Trying to fix my module
oh, i’m blind xD I had never seen this module, thanks for pointing it out !
You fixed the for loop, i had trouble with this one, I refused to work and i still don’t know why so i decided to bypass it. Thanks alot for fixing my code, if I understand right, the getDom function will check if data has arrived and if True, it will display the table, if False, it will display the"NO DATA" ? and each reload, the program will reload the data and display it ?
I’ll just have to shorten the time between each refresh because train pass by a bit more regularly so it wont be up to date if i wait 30 minutes each time.Thank you alot, I will try this new code now :)
@skoz yes, but it’s not tested i just wrote it down to give you an idea. if you get in trouble feel free to wite me a pn or check out the other module
Well at least, this time, something happened, the mirror boot up but where the table should be, its written :
module_5_schedulesModule.register(“schedules”, {
defaults: { updateInterval: 20000 fadeSpeed: 4000 }, getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"] }, getStyles: function() { return ["font-awesome.css", "schedules.css"] }, start: function() {"Starting module: " +; setInterval(() => { this.getData(); this.updateDom(); }, 20 * 1000); //calls getData every 20 second }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div") if (this.dataDirSM && { var realtable = document.createElement('table'); realtable.appendChild(this.createUpperRow()); for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(, this.dataDirSM.response.schedules.length); i++) { var row = document.createElement('tr') row.appendChild(this.boxHeader([i].message)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader([i].id)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader(this.dataDirSM.response.schedules[i].id)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader(this.dataDirSM.response.schedules[i].message)) realtable.appendChild(row) } wrapper.appendChild(realtable) } else { wrapper.innerHTML = "NO DATA"; }, getData: function() { this.dataDirSM = loadJSON(""); = loadJSON(""); }, createUpperRow: function() { function createUpperRow() { var firstTableRow = document.createElement('tr'); var tableh1 = document.createElement('th'); tableh1.classList.add('align-left'); var tx1 = document.createTextNode('Time'); tableh1.appendChild(tx1); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh1); var tableh2 = document.createElement('th'); tableh2.classList.add('align-left'); var tx2 = document.createTextNode('Paris'); tableh2.appendChild(tx2); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh2); // deuxième moitier var tableh3 = document.createElement('th'); tableh3.classList.add('align-right'); var tx3 = document.createTextNode('Sud'); tableh3.appendChild(tx3); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh3); var tableh4 = document.createElement('th'); tableh4.classList.add('align-right'); var tx4 = document.createTextNode('Time'); tableh4.appendChild(tx4); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh4); return firstTableRow; }, boxHeader: function(inside) { if (inside == 'Train à l\'approche' || inside == 'Train à quai') { inside = 'no way' } else if (inside == 'Train retardé') { inside = 'retard' } var fillNode = document.createTextNode(inside); var realBox = document.createElement('td') realBox.appendChild(fillNode); return realBox; } })
and here is what I got from your advices
@skoz you forgot to return wrapper at the end of getDom and remove
function createUpperRow() {
in vreateUpperRow -
Oh you are right, I also forget a curly brace after the ‘else’, I changed all that but it still doesn’t work
I paste the code again if you want to see it clearModule.register(“schedules”, {
defaults: { updateInterval: 20000 fadeSpeed: 4000 }, getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"] }, getStyles: function() { return ["font-awesome.css", "schedules.css"] }, start: function() {"Starting module: " +; setInterval(() => { this.getData(); this.updateDom(); }, 20 * 1000); //calls getData every 20 seconds }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div") if (this.dataDirSM && { var realtable = document.createElement('table'); realtable.appendChild(this.createUpperRow()); for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(, this.dataDirSM.response.schedules.length); i++) { var row = document.createElement('tr') row.appendChild(this.boxHeader([i].message)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader([i].id)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader(this.dataDirSM.response.schedules[i].id)) row.appendChild(this.boxHeader(this.dataDirSM.response.schedules[i].message)) realtable.appendChild(row) } wrapper.appendChild(realtable) } else { wrapper.innerHTML = "NO DATA"; }; return wrapper }, getData: function() { this.dataDirSM = loadJSON(""); = loadJSON(""); }, createUpperRow: function() { var firstTableRow = document.createElement('tr'); var tableh1 = document.createElement('th'); tableh1.classList.add('align-left'); var tx1 = document.createTextNode('Time'); tableh1.appendChild(tx1); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh1); var tableh2 = document.createElement('th'); tableh2.classList.add('align-left'); var tx2 = document.createTextNode('Paris'); tableh2.appendChild(tx2); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh2); // deuxième moitier var tableh3 = document.createElement('th'); tableh3.classList.add('align-right'); var tx3 = document.createTextNode('Sud'); tableh3.appendChild(tx3); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh3); var tableh4 = document.createElement('th'); tableh4.classList.add('align-right'); var tx4 = document.createTextNode('Time'); tableh4.appendChild(tx4); firstTableRow.appendChild(tableh4); return firstTableRow; }, boxHeader: function(inside) { if (inside == 'Train à l\'approche' || inside == 'Train à quai') { inside = 'no way' } else if (inside == 'Train retardé') { inside = 'retard' } var fillNode = document.createTextNode(inside); var realBox = document.createElement('td') realBox.appendChild(fillNode); return realBox; }