Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@vinp yeah i’m just using an old laptop monitor. For hockey, I like to see all the standings, whereas NFL and MLB just my local divisions. College football TOP25 / conferences would be awesome come the fall too. Thanks for the hard work!
@MMKF Thanks for the feedback. I have updated the code to show one division at a time. I realize that is better for most users. Try a git pull inside the MMM-MyStandings folder again, as far as it being too wide, you can try overriding the .MMM-MyStandings class in your custom.css to control width.
I’ve updated the code to include the option to load logos from local folders. It mimics the way MMM-MyScoreboard does it. This way the logos will look the same if you use both modules. I also made it easier in the future to add more sports that don’t have divisions. Lastly, I added MLS as a sport option.
Thankyou for your work on this, I’m running it and it was easy to setup, has a great amount of options, and is beautiful! Now if my sports teams would do their part and not be at the bottom, that’d be great :)
Thanks for the feedback ! Glad you are enjoying it. I love seeing sports updates on the mirror!
These are Cool! I’m inspired to (eventually) adapt this to display FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition Stats.
Great module, I forked it on github and added the English Premier League.
@my_nerdy_account that looks awesome! Care to share your branch in GitHub?
@alecbalec I’m testing out the ability to add many more soccer leagues… stay tuned for an update