Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I have a problem when switching from the results to the table. At the beginning everything runs as it should. After about an hour there is when switching misfires. Attached to the link of a video of the error, hope it works.
Does somebody has any idea?Greeting Jörg
For me this is probably the “blank screen problem”
With only one league, it only comes to an interruption and then nothing will be displayed. With two leagues, everything works as it should.
The tip of Arzeg with the entry [35, 999] unfortunately does not work. -
Hey Jörg,
bad to hear that the tip doesnt work for you.
For me it works perfect.
But I still have the problem with the width of the module, it goes from the left to the right side and i dont know, how i can change the width…MfG Arzeg
I dont know if it’s for you a solution but I use MMM-soccer for the table and MMM-SoccerLiveScore as my live ticker, so i set showTables to false in config.js
Its not the perfect solution but i can live with it -
This post is deleted! -
is it possible to send an alarm/notification if there is a goal in any game in a league i set to shown on the mirror?
Maybe its quite easy but honestly i do not have any idea how this alterts/notifications work
The results and the table of the german bundesliga are now also not updated. A pity about an otherwise great module and the author does not care about the errors.
@JoeFranz are u sure? Everything works fine at my mm
So I have three errors in it. Blank sreen if only one league is displayed, with the table without names fit above the symbols and is not updated now, only after a reboot of magicmirror. Here is my config.js
module: ‘MMM-SoccerLiveScore’,
position: ‘bottom_left’,
config: {
leagues: [35, 9],
showNames: false,
showLogos: true,
displayTime: 60 * 1000,
showTables: true
}, -
i love this module but there is a problem with update live score and table. It don’t work for me. All other installed module works fine and update work well. if i restart mm it loads the new data score etc
I created a new version of this module:
Most of the errors mentioned above, should be fixed. It works with only one league selected for example. The old module also polls its undocumented datasource too often and eventually gets banned, which is why the scores stop refreshing. It does not yet have support for logos.