A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
1st magicmirror
Congrats to your first one! It looks really awsome!
@Fozi thanks. Starting my second mirror soon.
@tanvir586 I know…
I currently assemble parts to upgrade mine. You’re never done!
@Fozi what did u use for the mirror?
@tanvir586 here is my presentation with details
@Fozi absolutely brilliant. Loved your mirror.
First i used alexa eco input but later i moved to AssistantMk2. I find AssistantMk2 is far superior then alexa.
Are you using mmm-alexa-controll?
@tanvir586 thanks a lot!
@tanvir586 I took my Echo dot, plugged it into the RPi‘s USB port and I was done. Not so cool, but works. For my upgrade I‘ll have a look at MMM-Alexa Control.