Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How can i pass query / parameters from URL to module
@AxLed cooll… standing by!
@AxLed so, it should be as simple as
const express = require('express') // setup server path handler, for http get request this.expressApp.get("/MMM-Navigate",(req,res) =>{this.someFunction(req,res)}); // handler dump request object someFunction: function(request,response){ console.log("request data="+JSON.stringify(request)) response.send("Hello from MMM-Navigate"); }
Here is another example of express;
const express = require('express') const bodyParser = require('body-parser') // in your member function of node_helper.js, usually it will be `.start()` this.expressApp.use(bodyParser.json()) this.expressApp.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})) var process = (req, res) => { var subpath = req.params.subpath if (CHECK_SOME_CONDITION) { var requestObj = { path: subpath, query: req.query, post: req.body, method: req.method, } this.sendSocketNotification("REQUEST_COMING", requestObj) res.status(200).send({status: 200}) } else { res.status(400).send({status: 400}) } } this.expressApp.get("/YOUR_PATH/:subpath", process)"/YOUR_PATH/:subpath", process) // when you need POST method.
Thanks for your quick response, you are faster than my programming timeslots in my “mancave” are. Today i had some time and got it working.I will test my module changes (for MMM-Navigate) on my mirror for some days, maybe i find some errors and can fix them before i upload it to quick to github in a poor “quality”.
My intension was to get rid of MMM-Remote-Control in my installation, as i found errors (while a new install of my MM) and as it seems that MMM-Remote-Control is not maintainanced anymore.
I added following features to MMM-Navigate:
- Raspberry operations: any Shellcommands, i use it for
- restart of MM (pm2 restart mm)
- restart of Raspberry (sudo shutdown -h now)
- reboot of Raspberry (sudo reboot)
- controlling MM by URL Calls (if you dont have a rotary encoder connected or while programming)
stay healthy
- Raspberry operations: any Shellcommands, i use it for
testing completed, today i uploaded new release to github.
MMM-Navigate - V1.3 releasedRegards