Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Toothbrush integration
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This post is deleted! -
ok integrated “hcitool con”, because of the very fast response,
had to alter the parsing of NetworkScanner.
i think i got the parsing, but networkscanner says NO DEVICES
when i “console.log(macAddresses)” , at the end of node_helper script i get during MM in console :MMM-NetworkScanner received SCAN_NETWORK MMM-NetworkScanner is scanning for mac addresses [ ‘E0:E5:CF:FC:4D:8C’ ]
shouldn’t this “macAddresses parse” be understand by NetworkScanner? What am i missing here?
nodehelper script is as follows:
scanNetwork: function() { console.log( + " is scanning for mac addresses"); var self = this; var arp = sudo(['hcitool', 'con']); var buffer = ''; var errstream = ''; arp.stdout.on('data', function (data) { buffer += data; }); arp.stderr.on('data', function (data) { errstream += data; }); arp.on('error', function (err) { errstream += err; }); arp.on('close', function (code) { if (code !== 0) { console.log( + " received an error running arp-scan: " + code + " - " + errstream); return; } //Parse the response var rows = buffer.split('\n'); var macAddresses = []; // HCI-TOOL SCAN table for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { var cells = rows[i].split(' ').filter(String); if (cells[2] && macAddresses.indexOf(cells[2].toUpperCase()) === -1) { macAddresses.push(cells[2].toUpperCase()); } } self.sendSocketNotification('MAC_ADDRESSES', macAddresses); console.log(macAddresses); }); }
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
@dfuerst Hey, I liked your approach how to get the information about a running or a stopped toothbrush.
So, I played some time with hcitool within the console and checked the responsive times(if the toothbrush is beeing detected as connected or not, as a turn it on or off). Unfortunately, this wasn’t very reliable nor very accurate.I would suggest a better approach is to use a javascript library for bluetooth such as noble to track if the toothbrush is connected or not.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get noble running within the MagicMirror framework. I tried to install it with npm anbd several versions of node.js (6.x and 7.x) but got always an error like "Error: Module version mismatch. Expected 50, got 51." within the bluetooth-hci-socket - part of noble.Starting MagicMirror: v2.1.0 Loading config ... Loading module helpers ... No helper found for module: alert. No helper found for module: clock. WARNING! Could not load config file. Starting with default configuration. Error found: Error: Module version mismatch. Expected 50, got 51. Loading module helpers ... No helper found for module: alert. No helper found for module: clock. App threw an error during load Error: Module version mismatch. Expected 50, got 51. at Error (native) at process.module.(anonymous function) [as dlopen] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:173:20) at Object.Module._extensions..node (module.js:583:18) at Object.module.(anonymous function) [as .node] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:173:20) at Module.load (module.js:473:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3) at Module.require (module.js:483:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at Object. (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-OralB/node_modules/bluetooth-hci-socket/lib/native.js:3:15) Whoops! There was an uncaught exception... Error: Module version mismatch. Expected 50, got 51. at Error (native) at process.module.(anonymous function) [as dlopen] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:173:20) at Object.Module._extensions..node (module.js:583:18) at Object.module.(anonymous function) [as .node] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:173:20) at Module.load (module.js:473:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3) at Module.require (module.js:483:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at Object. (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-OralB/node_modules/bluetooth-hci-socket/lib/native.js:3:15)
I tried rebuilding the noble included packeages and tried it also with a clean Magicmirror installation under node.js 7.x. unfortunately nothing helped.
hi. nice to know that someone else (with programming skills) is interested too.ohh yes . ‘hcitool con’ is not perfect, first activation of the toothbrush is very accurate but as you mentioned any interruption is detected unreliably, and late.
your problem sounds like the “white screen” issue of mmm-button, so maybe rebuilding/downgrading your electron version might help. (see the forum for this issue)
as you can see in the posts above there is an API by OralB. At the end using it would give the highest quality of input/output. as you can also read between the lines i dont know enough about coding stuff, so i went for the low level approach via mmm-networkscanner and to integrate thereafter a simple stopwatch.
Any help is highly welcome.
I already had a look to the API provided by OralB. It’s quite disappointing.
They will provide you with classes to develop tools for android or ios apps. Not what we are looking for right now. :wink:
But maybe the documentation could be usefull.I tried to find the forum page you mentioned. Found nothing usefull yet. Maybe you can have a look and help me out here.
I made a first attempt with noble and got some pretty nice results by reading out the braodcasted information from my brush.
I you wanna try on your own, do the following:
- Install noble in a directory of your choice, by following the instructions on the noble page:
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install noble
- Move into the new node_modules/noble/ - folder and create a new file ‘toothbrush.js’ with the following content
var async = require('async'); var noble = require('./index'); var OralB_manufacturerData = 'dc00010205030000000101'; console.log('Lookinhg for OralB Toothbrushes with manufacturerData: "' + OralB_manufacturerData +'"'); noble.on('stateChange', function(state) { if (state === 'poweredOn') { noble.startScanning(); } else { noble.stopScanning(); } }); noble.on('discover', function(peripheral) { var advertisement = peripheral.advertisement; console.log('Found device with manufacturerData: "' + advertisement.manufacturerData.toString('hex') +'" localName: ' + advertisement.localName); if (advertisement.manufacturerData.toString('hex') === OralB_manufacturerData) { noble.stopScanning(); console.log('peripheral with ID ' + + ' found'); var localName = advertisement.localName; var txPowerLevel = advertisement.txPowerLevel; var manufacturerData = advertisement.manufacturerData; var serviceData = advertisement.serviceData; var serviceUuids = advertisement.serviceUuids; if (localName) { console.log(' Local Name = ' + localName); } if (txPowerLevel) { console.log(' TX Power Level = ' + txPowerLevel); } if (manufacturerData) { console.log(' Manufacturer Data = ' + manufacturerData.toString('hex')); } if (serviceData) { console.log(' Service Data = ' + serviceData); } if (serviceUuids) { console.log(' Service UUIDs = ' + serviceUuids); } console.log(); explore(peripheral); } }); function explore(peripheral) { console.log('services and characteristics:'); peripheral.on('disconnect', function() { process.exit(0); }); peripheral.connect(function(error) { peripheral.discoverServices([], function(error, services) { var serviceIndex = 0; async.whilst( function () { return (serviceIndex < services.length); }, function(callback) { var service = services[serviceIndex]; var serviceInfo = service.uuid; if ( { serviceInfo += ' (' + + ')'; } console.log(serviceInfo); service.discoverCharacteristics([], function(error, characteristics) { var characteristicIndex = 0; async.whilst( function () { return (characteristicIndex < characteristics.length); }, function(callback) { var characteristic = characteristics[characteristicIndex]; var characteristicInfo = ' ' + characteristic.uuid; if ( { characteristicInfo += ' (' + + ')'; } async.series([ function(callback) { characteristic.discoverDescriptors(function(error, descriptors) { async.detect( descriptors, function(descriptor, callback) { return callback(descriptor.uuid === '2901'); }, function(userDescriptionDescriptor){ if (userDescriptionDescriptor) { userDescriptionDescriptor.readValue(function(error, data) { if (data) { characteristicInfo += ' (' + data.toString() + ')'; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } ); }); }, function(callback) { characteristicInfo += '\n properties ' +', '); if ('read') !== -1) {, data) { if (data) { var string = data.toString('ascii'); characteristicInfo += '\n value ' + data.toString('hex') + ' | \'' + string + '\''; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } }, function() { console.log(characteristicInfo); characteristicIndex++; callback(); } ]); }, function(error) { serviceIndex++; callback(); } ); }); }, function (err) { peripheral.disconnect(); } ); }); }); }
- Start the script by with
sudo node toothbrush.js
Here is what I got:
Lookinhg for OralB Toothbrushes with mac address:54:4a:16:21:20:9f peripheral with ID 544a1621209f found Manufacturer Data = dc00010205020000000101 Service Data = Service UUIDs = services and characteristics: 1800 (Generic Access) 2a00 (Device Name) properties read value 4f72616c2d4220546f6f74686272757368 | 'Oral-B Toothbrush' 2a01 (Appearance) properties read value 0000 | '' 2a02 (Peripheral Privacy Flag) properties read, write value 00 | '' 2a03 (Reconnection Address) properties read, write value 000000000000 | '' 2a04 (Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters) properties read value 5000a0000000e803 | 'P h' 1801 (Generic Attribute) 2a05 (Service Changed) properties indicate a0f0fff050474d5382084f72616c2d42 a0f0fff150474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Command) properties read, write, notify value 00 | '' a0f0fff250474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Data) properties read, write value 00000000 | '' a0f0fff350474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Auth) properties read, write value 00 | '' a0f0fff450474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Secret) properties read, write value 00000000 | '' a0f0ff0050474d5382084f72616c2d42 a0f0ff0150474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Handle ID) properties read value 00000000 | '' a0f0ff0250474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Handle Type) properties read value 02 | '' a0f0ff0350474d5382084f72616c2d42 (User Account) properties read value 01 | '' a0f0ff0450474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Device State) properties read, notify value 0200 | '' a0f0ff0550474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Battery Level) properties read, notify value 63 | 'c' a0f0ff0650474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Button State) properties read, notify value 00000000 | '' a0f0ff0750474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Brushing Mode) properties read, notify value 01 | '' a0f0ff0850474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Brushing Time) properties read, notify value 0000 | '' a0f0ff0950474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Quadrant) properties read, notify value 00 | '' a0f0ff0a50474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Smiley) properties read, notify value 00 | '' a0f0ff0b50474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Pressure Sensor) properties read, notify value 00 | '' a0f0ff0c50474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Cache) properties read, write, notify value | '' a0f0ff2050474d5382084f72616c2d42 a0f0ff2150474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Status) properties read, write, notify value 8100 | '' a0f0ff2250474d5382084f72616c2d42 (RTC) properties read, write value 97d81120 | 'X ' a0f0ff2350474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Timezone) properties read, write ' value 0d | ' a0f0ff2450474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Brushing Timer) properties read, write value 0f | '' a0f0ff2550474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Brushing Modes) properties read, write value 0105020403000000 | '' PuTTY a0f0ff2650474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Quadrant Times) properties read, write value 1e001e001e001e000000000000000000 | '' a0f0ff2750474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Tongue Time) properties read, write value 00 | '' a0f0ff2850474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Pressure) properties read, write value 03 | '' a0f0ff2950474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Data) properties read value 68d6fd1f7700010100000063d1e7fd1f | 'hV}wcQg}' a0f0ff2a50474d5382084f72616c2d42 (Flight Mode) properties read, write value 00 | ''
try :
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Button sudo npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=1.4.6 --disturl= --abi=50
not in the mmmbutton folder of course
@dfuerst It worked! Thank you very much!!
you get everything needed for a really high quality piece of module.battery level
brushing mode
brushing time
smileyi am a bit concerned about the user readout. (Do you think it might be possible to determine which of eg. 3 brushes is presently used?)