Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
read csv-data and put it in an array
i wanted to “play” with the jsonArray, but things like jsonArray[“birth”][0] or jsonArray.birth[3] will not be accepted, although it is listed in many websites … i try and try and read and read, but in the moment no solution. the parameter “length” count the number of letters and numbers ?
then I will have to deal with moment () first … -
@Perlchamp u did not show the code, so I will call the output of the csvtojson() birthday_info
example of how to navigate the json data
in module there would be no ‘var’ cause of the way the modulename and helper are packaged inside object
// if not using numbers but month names // make indexOf return 1-12, not 0-11 (dummy thing never matched 1st) // fix this with your language abbreviations // usually in lower case, then always convert data to lowercase for compare to prevent having users remember to get the case right var months= ["0", "jan","feb","mar"...."dec"] var today_day_month = moment().format("DDMM") // today would be "3004" // tomorrow will be "0105" // loop thru the array of birthday info from file, one 'row' per birthday for(var birthday of birthday_info) { // get the day/month string in numbers to match output of moment() // get the last 2 chars of the day and month with a 0 on front.. 01-09, 12, ---31, or 01-09,10/11/12 if( ("0"+birthday.Geburtstag).subString(-2)+("0"+months.indexOf(birthday.Geburtsmonat.toLowerCase())).subString(-2) == today_month_day) { // this birthday is for today condole.log(" birthday on "+ today_day _month+" is for "+birthday.Name); } } ``
i didn’t post the code, because it only was a status-info …
but here is the code. i think i will first try alone. if there any questions i will post them.
here is my array:[{"birth":"12.09.1967", "name":"Otto Billing"},{...}]
many thanks in advance
@Perlchamp ok, went to numbers, SO much easier!!
var today_day_month = moment().format("DD.MM") // today would be "30.04" // tomorrow will be "01.05" // loop thru the array of birthday info from file, one 'row' per birthday for(var birthday of birthday_info) { if( (birthday.birth.startsWith(today_day_month)) { // this birthday is for today console.log(" birthday on "+ today_day_month+" is for "; } }
@sdetweil said in read csv-data and put it in an array:
ok, went to numbers, SO much easier!!
ok, i will try. therefor my array don’t match, i think … that’s right ?
@Perlchamp the new data matches my new code
thanks, but now i’m a little bit confused, because my master problem will be, to reorg the array, to combine people with the same date of birth in as list in one row with the day of birth. but let me try …
@Perlchamp ok, this was just to give you ideas on how to access the data… in a useful way
… and I’m very grateful to you for that. I learn from your messages every time. I think it’s great that there are people like you. that also costs time (apart from health, the most important thing in life). Thanks again for that!
hi sam,
i have a major problem, that i don’t understand. this is my code in node_helper.js:var NodeHelper = require("node_helper"); var moment = require("moment"); // add require of other javascripot components here // var xxx = require('yyy'); here const csv = require("csvtojson"); var birthdaysArray = []; module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ init(){ console.log("init module helper perlchamp"); }, start() { console.log("Starting module helper: " +; // console.log("Pfad zur csv-Datei: " + this.path + "/data/birthdays.csv"); const csvFilePath = this.path + '/data/birthdays.csv'; csv() .fromFile(csvFilePath) .then((jsonObj)=>{ birthdaysArray = JSON.stringify(jsonObj); console.log("birthdaysArray: " + birthdaysArray); var today_day_month = moment().format("DD.MM"); var today_month = moment().format("MM"); }) console.log("birthdaysArray #2: " + birthdaysArray); // moment.js moment.locale(config.language); // set locale console.log("aktuelle Zeit: " + moment().format('Do MMMM YYYY, hh:mm:ss')); console.log("aktueller Monat(Zahl): " + moment().format('MM')); console.log("aktueller Monat(Text): " + moment().format('MMM')); console.log("aktueller Tag(Zahl mit führender Null): " + moment().format('DD')); console.log("aktueller Tag(Text): " + moment().format('dddd')); console.log("aktueller Tag(Abkürzung): " + moment().format('dd')); console.log("aktuelles Jahr(Zahl): " + moment().format('YYYY')); }, stop(){ console.log("Stopping module helper: " +; }, // handle messages from our module// each notification indicates a different messages // payload is a data structure that is different per message.. up to you to design this socketNotificationReceived(notification, payload) { // console.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload); console.log( + " received a socket notification: " + birthdays); // if config message from module if (notification === "CONFIG") { // save payload config info this.config=payload // wait 15 seconds, send a message back to module setTimeout(()=> { this.sendSocketNotification("message_from_helper"," this is a test_message")}, 15000) } else if(notification === "????2") { } }, });
why returns
console.log("birthdaysArray #2: " + birthdaysArray);
many thanks in advance