Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
read csv-data and put it in an array
i see no notification in the terminal. ‘have data’ should actually appear there, shouldn’t it ?
no, the message is sent to the modulename.js side of your module…
using my sample code , right here// messages received from from your node helper (NOT other modules or the system) // payload is a notification dependent data structure, up to you to design between module and node_helper socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) {
the two parts look like this
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | browser side | | modulename.js (SampleModule.js) | | | | receive (socketNotificationReceived) send ( sendSocketNotification) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | send ( sendSocketNotification) receive (socketNotificationReceived) | | | | node_helper.js | | server side | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yes, i understood. here’s my perlchamp.js (only socketNitificationReceived)
// messages received from from your node helper (NOT other modules or the system) // payload is a notification dependent data structure, up to you to design between module and node_helper socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { Log.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload); if(notification === "message_from_helper"){ this.config.message = payload; // tell mirror runtime that our data has changed, // we will be called back at GetDom() to provide the updated content this.updateDom(1000) } if(notification === "have data"){ Log.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload); var now = moment() var active_birthdays={} for( var birthday of payload) { // get 1st 5 chars of birthdate, thru month // we will use this as the key in the hash var birth_date = birthday.birth.subString(0,4) // for debugging only Log.log("Tag.Monat :", birth_date) // get the birthday as a moment in this year, for comparing var birth_date_moment = moment(birth_date + now.getYear(),"DD.MMYYYY") // u can add days to a moment object and then compare // if the birthdate is before that date (and after now) // so within the next xx days // if the date is the same or later, don't use time of day if(birth_date.startOf('day').isSame(now.startOf('day')){ // birthday is in this month // check the hash if we've seen anything for today yet // if we haven't see this date yet if(active_birthdays[birth_date] == undefined){ // create the holder for its info (array of // names) in the hash active_birthdays[birth_date] = [] } // save the persons name on the list active_birthdays[birth_date].push( } } // tell MM to call and get our content self.updateDom(); } },
@Perlchamp very good… now, I didn’t test the code I wrote, so there are a couple errors…
but you should be able to see that code in the developers window, sources tab,
navigate on the left tree, modules, your module_name (which has to be perchamp,
folder, filename and the register at the top) all have to match) -
i can’t find … so everything’s right ?
@Perlchamp you should
see an error like this
note that I put part of the module name in the filter field
ok, thanks
@Perlchamp and if something not spelled right (this image also shows the module tree navigation on the left)
when its used !
so, sam, everything is fixed :-)
but now i don’t know how to handle the receiving data. i only need a little entry … don’t know how to handle this object-element. actually nothing is displayed except the header i configured … -
@Perlchamp cool, now you’ve collected the data… you should be able to see the results on the exit from the notification handler…
now to tell MM to come get the stuff to display…
thats the self.updateDom() call
hey MM, get my stuff
then MM will call getDom()
I have implemented the module too
getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)){ for(var name of this.active_birthdays[birthday]){ var m=document.createElement('div') m.innerText=birthday + ' '+ name wrapper.appendChild(m) } } // pass the created content back to MM to add to DOM. return wrapper; },