Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM keeps freezing
@requiemmg IIRC, the lightning bolt went away with Raspbian Buster.
@requiemmg Did I understand correctly that the display controller powers the Pi via its USB port? If so, I very strongly believe that this might be the source for the problem for two reasons:
- The USB port does not provide enough power for the Pi
- If the display controller goes in standby, then probably the power provided via its USB port might also be reduced.
I would always recommend to connect the Pi directly to a dedicated power supply, which can supply min. 2.5A.
@Fozi Oooh, good call. Strong power is good power. Part of the reason I upgraded to Pi4’s for most everything, honestly. Got tired of the weak power supplies on the old USB spec, so…
Okay, I’ll try this. Did also not know that the bolt signal is no longer available with current Raspbian.
Oh, the controller does not enter standby, I have it running 24/7.
Ordered a power supply with 3A to be sure. I’ll report back. -
FYI. the bolt is still active, fresh copy of the OS downloaded from their website, on RPI3b+. whipped it together so to test for mirror frame placement.
@BKeyport - Good to know, thanks.
So, both mirrors are now running on an external 3A power supply.
Unfortunately, the still keep freezing. I fear that I have to setup from scratch, step by step, to see what is causing this. :-( -
Yeah, that would be a good idea, who knows what got screwed up on the old SD cards with the freezing.
Installed to both fresh SD cards as well as USB stick before, fresh setup! Only thing that was copied over was the config.js and main.css
I think I figured out:
As soon as I use the MMM-News module, MagicMirror will freeze at some point. Uninstalled it - no issues.