Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
disable NO signal message
hello and happy new year!
i was wondering if any of you could remove/disable the “no signal” message displayed on the screen after MM goes to sleep? I have checked the settings in the monitor menu but nothing interesting there… thx! -
That is the monitor doing that, some monitors does that and there is probably nothing you can do about it other than to change monitor, sry.
i’m currently searching for an appropriate monitor.
Can you guys tell me one which doesn’t display the message?Thx!
@Deniz to my knowledge the “no signal” thing is something that primarily TV-screens do, None of my 5 different types of computer monitors displays any text, they go directly to sleep/standby when there is no input.
To my mirror I bought a 24" Samsung LED monitor for about 99Eur. Goes directly to standby when signal is lost.
My monitor is a philips and not so old but displays the message… so better not go for this brand.
@broberg : that’s what i thought as well but was wondering if any solution may exist… thx for for reply. -
Yes, but it’s not recommended. Those messages are there in case there is a problem during boot.
But if you really want it… Stack Exchange to the rescue. If that doesn’t do it for you, some quality time with Google and “Raspbery Pi silent boot” should get you there.
Edit: It seems that someone on YouTube has also done this.
@bhepler thx a lot for your reply/time :)
@bibi the boot screen is replaced in the newest version if you are using the new raspbian version which is using PIXEL
@strawberry-3.141 i am not using it yet but will def. check that :) thx
can i have also your opinion regarding my 1st query pls?