Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hi, can i use this module without a sensor? As yes is everyone here who can explain me how i must go on to start the module without a sensor…
And…what sensor must i have that i can realize this module. Have anyone a link where i can buy it?
Best regards
takes PIR sensor HC-SR501 it works on , perso
I ordered to see a Doppler Microwave Sensor RCWL-0516 to replace HC SR501
see topic
( more aesthetic ) -
v3.1.5 is out!
added: many mode for touch screen use
added: delayed activating screensee ReadMe File for more informations
@pakal41 I can assure you that the Doppler sensor will work 😃
@Bugsounet With new version of MagicMirror I decides to try this module.
Running rpi4 with HC-SR501 sensor.
Can you please explain me how exactly ecoMode working. I have some problems with that enabled true. I’m still trying to figure out exactly problem but no luck. I’m using MMM-Globe by Eunanibus and its not reloading (not showing ) after monitor is turn on and sometime even monitor doesn’t wont to turn on. Should I just keep this option false? With ecoMode false at the moment everything is working fine.
Anyway, great work and thank you for your contribution. -
@lolo ecoMode Feature hide all modules (disable modules), after maybe your globe module have a bug on disable/resume (this fonction is a function coded in the core of MM)
Thx. Even one my module have problem with that. For now I will keep it as false.
It’s working :smiling_face_with_open_mouth:
After a couple of tries with all available PIR Modules it’s working with MMM-NewPIR perfect!
Many thanks! -
I had the same. After
git pull
mom run update
and reboot.