Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Changing MMM-Traffic into using TomTom API
@rxldavid the data is not the same from the two apis…
so, you either have to change EVERYTHING that touches the data OR, after receiving change the layout to match the old format.
json is pretty nice to work with …
use the validator here
click the top left button and it will format the data in a nice readable formatloading… is the initial message, til the actual data arrives…
so, the data didn’t arriveI assume that the request for the data is done in the node_helper
u can write messages to the console and see them in the window where u start MM
during development, use npm start >somefile.txt
and then u can see all the messages in somefile.txt
I use ssh connection to pi, so I can edit on my desktop
when using windows desktop i use bitvise ssh client or winscp
as they provide a networked disk page like file explorer so I can just doubleclick to edit,when using linux, most of the file browsers will allow access to ssh connected systems the same way…
I changed the API Return, there is an option to get it back in JSON.
What do you mean with write message to the console? & where/when should I execute “npm start >somefile.txt” -
write message to console
console,log(“some message”+variable+…) -
@rxldavid u probably use pm2, so
pm2 stop all
cd ~/MagicMirror
then u can
npm start >somefile.txt
ctrl-c to end
repeat til working
@rxldavid the json data u posted is not valid… something is missing after the trailing comma
I know, it was just an extinct, since it used private Data,
I updated it to the full return with random Data -
@rxldavid if u put it thru the formatter
{ "formatVersion": "0.0.12", "routes": [ { "summary": { "lengthInMeters": 1147, "travelTimeInSeconds": 140, "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0, "trafficLengthInMeters": 0, "departureTime": "2021-09-19T17:16:54+02:00", "arrivalTime": "2021-09-19T17:19:14+02:00" }, "legs": [ { "summary": { "lengthInMeters": 1147, "travelTimeInSeconds": 140, "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0, "trafficLengthInMeters": 0, "departureTime": "2021-09-19T17:16:54+02:00", "arrivalTime": "2021-09-19T17:19:14+02:00" }, "points": [ { "latitude": 52.5093, "longitude": 13.42937 }, { "latitude": 52.50904, "longitude": 13.42913 }, { "latitude": 52.50895, "longitude": 13.42904 }, { "latitude": 52.50868, "longitude": 13.4288 }, { "latitude": 52.5084, "longitude": 13.42857 }, { "latitude": 52.50816, "longitude": 13.42839 }, { "latitude": 52.50791, "longitude": 13.42825 }, { "latitude": 52.50757, "longitude": 13.42772 }, { "latitude": 52.50752, "longitude": 13.42785 }, { "latitude": 52.50742, "longitude": 13.42809 }, { "latitude": 52.50735, "longitude": 13.42824 }, { "latitude": 52.5073, "longitude": 13.42837 }, { "latitude": 52.50696, "longitude": 13.4291 }, { "latitude": 52.50673, "longitude": 13.42961 }, { "latitude": 52.50619, "longitude": 13.43092 }, { "latitude": 52.50608, "longitude": 13.43116 }, { "latitude": 52.50574, "longitude": 13.43195 }, { "latitude": 52.50564, "longitude": 13.43218 }, { "latitude": 52.50528, "longitude": 13.43299 }, { "latitude": 52.50513, "longitude": 13.43336 }, { "latitude": 52.505, "longitude": 13.43366 }, { "latitude": 52.50464, "longitude": 13.43451 }, { "latitude": 52.50451, "longitude": 13.43482 }, { "latitude": 52.50444, "longitude": 13.43499 }, { "latitude": 52.50418, "longitude": 13.43564 }, { "latitude": 52.50364, "longitude": 13.4369 }, { "latitude": 52.50343, "longitude": 13.43738 }, { "latitude": 52.5033, "longitude": 13.43767 }, { "latitude": 52.50275, "longitude": 13.43873 } ] } ], "sections": [ { "startPointIndex": 0, "endPointIndex": 28, "sectionType": "TRAVEL_MODE", "travelMode": "car" } ] } ] }
this is also the view Tomtom provided me.
but I don’t get what I need to change.
right now I got the following error in the console:
[19.09.2021 17:22.10.688] [ERROR] Failed to fetch git data for MMM-Traffic: Erro r: block timeout reached -
@rxldavid that is from the updateNotifcation module which has a bug … fixed in next release
after u got the data, then what did u do?
Sorry, Tomtom provides a website which returns the data.
So it wasn’t my MagicMirror returning it