Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
so looking at the code, this module will write out the constructed ICAL format data to
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'service', '.' + fileName)
notice the dot… in linux =by convention, file/folder names that start with dot are not shown unless explicitly requested… (making them hidden ‘most’ of the time
SO, the code above is trying to USE a directory ‘service’ (part of this module repo)
in THIS module folder… but write to it…@karsten13 is the docker volume for where modules are located mapped read/write?? (the compose file doesn’t say)
@sdetweil said in MMM-CalDAV:
@karsten13 is the docker volume for where modules are located mapped read/write?? (the compose file doesn’t say)
see docs
rw: Read and write access. This is the default if none is specified.
@karsten13 thats what I thought
@caw can you ssh logon to your synology and execute a docker command
docker inspect magicmirror
scroll up to look at the mounts section
(this is from a different container, as I don’t have one running MM)Mounts": [ { "Type": "volume", "Name": "94f89b1076c681a8dd32a7863d7a867e2077849f0fc53091062aae3797433919", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/94f89b1076c681a8dd32a7863d7a867e2077849f0fc53091062aae3797433919/_data", "Destination": "/config", <---- check for /opt/magic_mirror/modules "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, <------------ check this , should be true "Propagation": "" },
also, how (from where, as what userid?) did you git clone the module, and npm install?
another docker command
docker exec magicmirror ls /opt/magic_mirror/modules -laF
i used:
docker run -d --user root --name magicmirror
-p 8036:8080
-v /volume1/docker/magicmirror/config:/opt/magic_mirror/config
-v /volume1/docker/magicmirror/modules:/opt/magic_mirror/modules
-v /volume1/docker/magicmirror/customcss:/opt/magic_mirror/customcss
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin
–restart always -
@caw from synology ssh terminal window do
ls /volume1/docker/magicmirror -laF
@caw ok now need to look inside modules
ls -laF /volume1/magicmirror/modules
and in the module folder
ls -laF /volume1/magicmirror/modules/MMM-CalDAVwe did not check INSIDE the MMM-CalDAV/service folder to see if there is an existing file that might be overwritten (with the wrong permissions)
it´s in the /volume1/docker/magicmirror/modules
@caw ok, the docker container is running as user/group 1000/1000
so Simon and users is neither of those
and linux permissions are a set of values, 3 flags per
user – this user number/name (Simon)
group --if the user is part of the named group (users)
other – permissions for any user NOT in the two choices abovethe permissions shown
user = rwx // user can read( r) write(w) and execute(x)
group = r-x // group can read( r) and execute(x)
other = r-x // all others can read ( r) and execute(x)or 755
if you fix the permissions to 757
user rwx
group r-x
other rwxor 775 (probably better, not allow ‘any’ other…)
user rwx
group rwx
other r-xthen other (1000) will be allowed to write to the folder (service folder)