Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Auto-start not working on Pi Zero W
I’ve been troubleshooting many different installers and methods for installer Magic Mirror on the Pi Zero W, and I finally got one to work. However, after booting, the Pi launches the web browser, but I have to manually click the Magic Mirror shortcut in the browser. I used this script for the installation, which includes pm2 auto start. After I found the issue, I disabled the preinstalled pm2 auto-start and made my own based on this guide. Unfortunately, I get the same problem where the pi launches the browser, but not Magic Mirror. To be clear, I can manually start Magic Mirror, but on reboot, only the browser launches. Any ideas? I’m not too experienced working with Raspberry Pi’s, so if you could dumb down the answers that’d be ideal.
@mason-0 my setup script configures pm2 to launch installers/
which does npm start
can u send me the install.log
same userid at gmailpm2 has lots of options
infopm2 --help will show u all the options
to do start at boot
you do pm2 start
and then pm2 save
to make that restartable at boot -
@sdetweil I test my script on the pi0w (and w2) and have to make a special setup on the pi0w as there is no Electron version for armv6l now…
so I download a script to use to launch MM as server mode and then launch chromium over that as the UI component
looks and acts the same
pi0w needs more memory, so u have to increase the swap space
as the documented platform is FULL desktop, chromium-browser is installed and usable
@sdetweil I was having the same problem with mine. I tried the pm2 start and it gave me this error [PM2][ERROR] File ecosystem.config.js not found.
@jaspertheweasel2 how did u install pm2
@sdetweil I used your guide on Github. I ran the master script, then the upgrade-script and upgrade-script apply, then screensaveroff, and last fixuppm2.
@jaspertheweasel2 only one thing to install
later when new mm release use upgrade
if u said no to pm2 during install then fixup lets you add it later.
no need to run them all at once
@sdetweil So how can I fix this? Everything else works except it doesn’t automatically start.
@jaspertheweasel2 run the fixuppm2 script,
happens occasionally don’t know why