Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MyWastePickup date problem
?? Without “Custom” in the beginning of every line?As described here, however, it should look like this:
Custom,03/28/18,1,1,1,0,0And then there is the error message (see above).
I have the version 2.18 of the MM running under Bullseye. -
Who can help?
I think the problem is here:! There was an uncaught exception… 0|mm | [07.02.2022 06:05.57.264] [ERROR] TypeError: parse is not a function 0|mm | at /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-MyWastePickup/node_helper.js:36:9
correct without “Custom” in the beginning of each line. -
Did not work on my site:
Just shows “Loading …”My modules/MMM-MyWastePickup/schedule_custom.csv :
WeekStarting,GreenBin,Garbage,Recycling,YardWaste,ChristmasTree 02/09/22,0,1,0,0,0 02/10/22,0,0,1,0,0 03/02/22,0,1,0,0,0 03/09/22,0,1,0,0,0 03/10/22,1,0,0,0,0
But on github ( is following:
Using Your Own Custom Schedule
If you live outside of Toronto and you’d like to use this module, you can create your own schedule to use with this module.First, in your config specify collectionCalendar: ‘Custom’.
Create a CSV based on the following template:
Add lines for each pickup date as neededI did so before Bullseye and everything was fine.
Now with Bullseye, MM 2.18 and new node, npm i have a problem.Ideas?
@mymirror have you already found a solution?
@mr_cd can u show the config section from config.js?
the code checks
this.scheduleCSVFile = this.path + "/schedule.csv"; this.scheduleCustomCSVFile = this.path + "/schedule_custom.csv";
if not found it sets to look for
var scheduleFile = this.scheduleCSVFile; if (payload.collectionCalendar == "Custom") { scheduleFile = this.scheduleCustomCSVFile; }
if you don’t have the collectionCalendar set
then it will use “schedule.csv”; -
Not really. I took another module for now. Here I have no foliage or Christmas trees, but until that applies, it still takes a little.
{ module: 'MMM-MyGarbage', position: 'top_left', header: 'Müllabfuhr', config: { alert: 4, weeksToDisplay: 2, limitTo: 99, fade: true, dateFormat: "dddd D MMMM", fadePoint: 0.25 } },