Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
module: “calendar”,
position: “top_center”,
config: {
broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events
calendars: [
url: “”,
name: “Calendar”, // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name
color: “red” // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color
},] } }, { module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_center", title: "", config: { mode: "month", instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'en-US', maxEventLines: 5, firstDayOfWeek: 1, calendars: [''] - } }, {
I have my calendar string in there from google I just deleted the identifier.
As you can see the calendar event test is showing top center, but is not on the calendar.
I like the current view just would like the calendar to populate.Also in my config file everything is lined up just didn’t transfer well.
Thanks again for your patience
I think your google calendar has so many events, so the past old events(years or months ago events) would be also huge numbers. They might consume all the quota of ‘maximumEntries’. Probably that is not the bug of the default calendar module, but also not expected behaviors.
Anyway someone said it would be fixed in 2.21. I wish that upgrade could fix this kind of issue.Until then, adjust your maximumEvents and maximumNumberOfDays to include recent events to the broadcasted notification.
CX3? I’m still using OG CX …
I couldn’t get CX2 to do what I was doing with CX so I never upgraded at all - it still runs, but it does have trouble parsing some kinds of calendar items.
I use OG CX to do
A single Day scrolling view for my 7" “Desktop MM” - not much screen space on the 7" screen so can only show a single day on one half in a scrolling loop
A 3-day view for the Kitchen Family Screen - an entire week makes things too small so you cannot see easily - a 3 day view fits nicely though and can use a nice large font
I’ll agree that CX2 was crazy complicated to configure though - and I gave up trying to get it look like I wanted.
So i got rid of all the events and only left the one for the “test” on 8/28 and the results are the same. Nothing is showing up in the actual calendar.
I will keep working on it, my guess is I am missing something simple. -
@MMRIZE I am the one that caused the bug in 2.20, fixed in 2.21 oct 1
if u want to test the develop branch
see -
I found what’s wrong.calendars: [''],
You need to set the names of calendar, in this case you assigned “Calendar” as the name of your google calendar.
So it should becalendarSet:[‘Calendar’],
. Or just leave as blank([]) to get all the calendars. -
@MMRIZE as this is the 3rd or 4th time users have had trouble with this
you should put out a debugging messageunable to locate calendar with name property equal to “???”
maybe list the names you found…
This used to be possible before, but after implementing the weather icons, it stopped working. It’s not a big deal but it’s a nice to have feature.
As you know, MagicMirror uses a very old version of Font Awesome. I updated mine to the most recent version and it now includes the Canadian flag and many other brand icons. Unfortunately, for brands, you have to use “fas” or “fa-solid”, and for brands you have to use “fab” or “fa-brands”. I solved this by tweaking the code in calendar.js and config.js. I also tried to do the same in MMM-CalendarEXT3.js, line 242, but when I try to update config.js calendar module, the calendar shows no data. The reason, because MMM-CalendarEXT3 module does not accept spaces in symbol.
CalendarEXT3.js, line 242:
symbol.className = "fa fa-fw fa" + s;
config.js, for birthday calendar
symbol: "s fa-cake-candles",
config.js, for Canadian holidays
symbol: "b fa-canadian-maple-leaf",
The space breaks my code, I wanted to choose either “b” or “s” in the symbol field
How the icons look in the native calendar
Unfortunately, not allowing spaces, forces me to decide which one to use or “fas” or “fab”
Maybe line 472-473 needs to be modified to allow ‘fa-brand’ instead of fixed ‘fa-solid’. I’ll check in a few days. -
I fixed. Update your module.
I don’t know your code modification, so I applied these syntaxes./* In your default calendar config */ symbol: ['fa-brands fa-canadian-maple-leaf'], /* or */ symbol: ['brands canadian-maple-leaf'], /* of course below are also allowed */ symbol: 'brands canadian-maple-leaf', /* But if you want multi-icons, use array */ symbol: ['brands google-drive', 'solid calendar'],