Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA3 4day forcast doesn't display
@JohnGalt It seems like the v2.5 of the API only returns the current days data and not multiple days hence the 4 day forecast is empty.
@mumblebaj - Thanks for that. I changed the provider to weatherbit and now do have the 4-day forecast. I guess the developers will need to update the module if they want people to continue to use openweather…
As regards the AQI reporting ‘undefined’ [likely because the AirKEY expires after one year] - Does anyone know whether one is just allowed a single year AirKey, and then no more use?
@JohnGalt It is hard to keep up with the changing API’s. One only find out that it has changed when it breaks. Just way of the world that is.
You should be able to renew the Airkey if it has expired.
@mumblebaj – Yes, I would have thought I would be able to renew the key. I just checked again and do not see any way to renew, so I put in a service request at the site… Below is what I see on my personal dashboard. Note there is no way to renew. The ‘edit’ button only allows one to edit the name of the key…
@JohnGalt Well, looks like it is still Active.
@mumblebaj - Yes, good observation. I saw that too, and I do wonder why the dashboard says ‘active’ and ‘expires in 89 days ago’ at the same time.
Independent of what they mean by ‘active’ or ‘expired’ - I am still getting ‘undefined’ as an AQI value on the display…
@cowboysdude - any thoughts from the perspective as the developer or distributor of this?
@kurtern84 - same question…
you have subscribe openmapweather onecall?
@monark The module is not setup to do onecall API.
@mumblebaj - Well, perhaps I spoke too soon… After changing the provider to weatherbit, I had data for a day or so, but now have no current data nor forecast on NOAA3, while two instances of the default weather module do still work for other locations:
@JohnGalt Do you see any errors in the Developers console or in the logs? Mine seems to be running fine still without any issues.