Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Refresh Magic Mirror after custom css changes
How can i refresh my MM to see the changes which i do in custom CSS? After every change i have to jump in the config.js folder and save the file for refresh the MM. After that i can see the changes. Is there an easier way? Or maybe there is a solution to see the customize live?
I work with Windows Powershel SSH remote.
@Hanimani mm is a web page, ctrl-r is refresh
@sdetweil i dont know if im send the last answer or i delete it. So i repost, sorry if there comes two answers.
I have to say that i work via windows pc (ssh) on my raspberry pi. I havnt a keyboard on the raspberry. So im not able to press ctrl-r. I need a solution which i can do with remote.
@Hanimani remotely all you can do is restart.
but you could use a browser on your pc to the mm system to do all that development
@Hanimani As sdetweil suggested you can access the page of MagicMirror in your browser to do development. The only problem with this approach is that there are multiple instances of the page. This can cause some modules to behave strange (like sending notifications twice, etc.).
As an alternative you can enable VNC on the MagicMirror machine and connect to it remotely. You than can hit CTRL+R and access the Web development tools.
B bugsounet referenced this topic on
@wishmaster270 @sdetweil Ok, then at least i know that there is no “easy” solution and i don’t have to look any further. Thank you for your help ^^
@Hanimani Why not take the keyboard from your pc and plug it into your raspbery pi? use the mouse too.
@Hanimani the easy solution is to use the browser on the system you are on.
when you get it right, restart mm where it is runningconfig.js
address:"", // listen for connections on all network interfaces ipWhitelist:[], // dont restrict source systems wanting to access mm
if you are using windows as your keyboard system, you can use winscp or bitvise ssh clients to provide the ssh window AND a file manzger view of the mm system. then you can double click a file to edit it directly on your pc, save puts it back on the mm syste. i use notepad++ as my windows editor for mm files