Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Where have I seen this??
@ankonaskiff17 I think that is very cool. Vilros has a Magic Mirror kit too. This one looks more complete. Waveshare has some nice displays. I think the more people getting into and using the MagicMirror software the longer it will continue. This is a good thing for all of us. They are linking to our MagicMirror repository and giving good instructions for setting it up and modules too.
Drawing people here will help us all and ensure MM goes into the future.
Really, in photo it’s fine
But… in reality:
- Price wow… too expensive (screen only 13.3 inch)
- Very outdated sources of MagicMirror! (use node v10 !? … we have to use node >= v18)
- wiki outdated
- Snowboy website is closed since Mar. 18th, 2020
- Assistant will never works (pubnub website close assistant query)
- This website can’t sell a product with Assistant SDK Project
This Chinese product scares me!
If the hardware is bad: it would be theft :/I have done, for my kitchen, the same (and functional) for ~200€ with 24 inch screen and pi5 !
@bugsounet I have been idle in the Magic Mirror end of things and came across that MM ad by accident.
But I have been rehabilitating a 3d printer I bought and part of that has been installing some software, Klipper and Mainsail OS and something came up on their Discord which is potentially germane to Magic Mirror project.One of the larger manufacturers of printers, Creality, came out with a sort of pre-configured tablet style device to run their printers. It has Klipper under the pretty cover and Klipper is open source, so according to one of the prime maintainers of Klipper, Creality is supposed to make their rendition of Klipper available based on the usage license but that is his battle to fight if he so desires.
The other point though is the part that I see as a somewhat double edged sword.
The version of Klipper in the Creality product is apparently an older buggy version of Klipper. The Klipper maintainer commented to the Discord at large that "good luck getting Creality to troubleshoot their own product which I can relate to, as I bought one of their products and there is no documentation or support from Creality. The same may apply to people that buy a Waveshare Magic Mirror. Who helps when a purchaser messes it up. Sam and the other helpful folks on the MM Forum, or Waveshare? Especially if it is an outdated version of MM they are selling.If you want more people making Magic Mirrors you could facilitate that by getting Magic Mirror on to the Raspberry Pi Imager. I was flabbergasted to see DAKBOARD on the Imager as a downloadable Pi image. Flabergasted because I found MM by way of Dakboard which is the lamest MM Clone you could imagine for a monthly fee no less
@ankonaskiff17 taking a system and packaging it to fo a limited thing is hard, making it configurable is harder, and open Is incredibly difficult.
@sdetweil You’ve got that right. I think the model you all are using is on the spot. Whether it is the Magic Mirror or those folks doing open source operating systems and front-ends for 3d printers you kind of have to be a tinkerer at heart and while companies think they can make money by filling a niche for people who aren’t tinkerers, I think they will find it more of a challenge than they realize.
I have to go to a doctor every month and chatting with one of the PA’s it turns out he has same 3d printer as me. He has never run it. He assembled it but did not know it was on him to compile/configure the software. It is a massive paperweight as of last time I asked.
Same with these Magic Mirrors. It’s on the person who builds it to configure it to their personal liking. When you first install the basic package, that’s just the start.
I was looking to see if I could use a stylus on a Pi 7" touchscreen and and in poking around various sellers of these small screens came across that Waveshare deal.
@ankonaskiff17 I have to agree that DAKBOARD is super lame. I read about MM a long time ago and found DAKBOARD becuase of my MM research. I actually looked at it for about a hour and thought it was lame too. MagicMirror is so customizable and I am a tinkerer. I like to change up things. I like to fix things and not wait on someone else to update when some api changes. So, I decided to tackle MagicMirror. I’ve learned a lot and this is a great community.