Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
That’s a handy test - Many thanks.
When I request:[my key]/conditions/forecast10day/astronomy/alerts/lang:EN/q/pws:IBATTLE3.json
I get a full set of data back.
The module is still getting stuck on ‘Loading’ on the mirror though.
My config is:{ module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', config: { apikey: '[my key]', pws: 'IBATTLE3;loctype:1', lang: 'EN', fctext: '1', fcdaycount: "5", fcdaystart: "0", hourly: '1', hourlyinterval: "3", hourlycount: "2", alerttime: 10000, alerttruncatestring: "english:" } },
Can you see anything wrong there please?
Thank you.
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This may explain the issue to you hopefully. I thought I’d given you this info before, but it seems not.
In the console I get an error:
MMM-WunderGround.js:407 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
The relevant code is:
processWeather: function(data) { this.alerttext = ""; this.alertmsg = ""; for (var i = 0, count = data.alerts.length; i < count; i++) {
Any idea why the array would be undefined?
Many thanks.
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
@Pauliolio The issue is with the config. try the following change:
pws: 'pws:IBATTLE3',
Hi @RedNax,
thanks for the excellent module! I seem to have some difficulty having night time icons displayed. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong as this is what my module looks like at 1 am in the morning:Using the API in my browser window I get the following two lines:
“icon_url”:“”It seems to me that I’m getting the daytime “clear” condition icon, maybe due to the ambiguous icon declaration, anything I can do to change icons like this one to nighttime icons?
Easiest way to do this is to define another icontable for nighttime use and switching to it after sunset…
When i have some time, i’ll look into it…
UPDATE: Who am i kidding ;) Nighttime icons now included…
Where is the github url or download url of these module? Can’t find it.
You need to look under the Showcase category to find the actual link. This category here is the Troubleshooting side of those modules.
Hi - I’d already tried that unfortunately. Still gets stuck at the same point in the code & displaying ‘Loading’ on the screen.
Would wrapping that for loop in an if that checks whether data.alerts is actually defined or a try block help do you think?
The alerts array is always there, even when there’s zero items in it. The behaviour you’re seeing is only possible if/when the api errors out and doesn’t send a meaningful payload. Could build a check for that…
Could it be BATTLE3 goes offline at times? When using the earlier mentiond config setting, it works just fine here… (there was a flod warning if i remember correctly)…
You, sir, are amazing :). Thanks, man, I just checked this thread to see if there were any more ideas on how to get night-time weather icons to appear and have only just now seen that you have already fixed my problem!! Thanks for this amazing update, at this stage I’m only good at fiddling with code that has already been written, but I’m not good enough myself to add in an icon table change based on the time of day.For some weird reason, in the css file the night-time clear icon is defined as “wi-nt-clear” and not as wi-
night-clear" , you need to change that in your code to make the night-time clear icon appear (or change it in the css file, which is what I did in my configuration).Funnily enough, this is what happens now once you change that and check out the mirror after sundown (the forecast starts using the night icons):
I was able to fix this behaviour myself, first I attacked line 461
this.iconTableHeader = (sunrise < now && sunset > now) ? this.config.iconTableDay : this.config.iconTableNight; this.iconTable = this.config.iconTableDay;
This is what I did to line 490:
this.weatherTypeHeader = this.iconTableHeader[data.current_observation.icon]; this.weatherType = this.iconTable[data.current_observation.icon];
Finally, I changed line 178 to:
weatherIcon.className = "wi weathericon " + this.weatherTypeHeader;
Not sure if this is the best way of implementing a fix, but this seems to have resolved the issues I was facing :).
I’m all happy now, thanks again, love your modifications to the module which have allowed me to add in some modifications of my own. I suppose there is a way to somehow upload my changes to github to suggest some changes to the developer but since I’m pretty much a newbie at this stage, I have no idea how ^^.
So, all’s well, right? Well… :D
I noticed that the weather-icons set has different icons depending on the current moon phase. Could you point me in the right direction as to what code I would have to add in to pull this information from the API?Maybe I could manage to have the mirror only show the full-moon night-time icons when there actually is a full moon outside.
I realized there are more icons that I would change in the icon table, here’s my version:iconTableNight: { "chanceflurries": "wi-night-snow-wind", "chancerain": "wi-night-showers", "chancesleet": "wi-night-sleet", "chancesnow": "wi-night-alt-snow", "chancetstorms": "wi-night-alt-storm-showers", "clear": "wi-stars", "cloudy": "wi-night-alt-cloudy", "flurries": "wi-night-alt-snow-wind", "fog": "wi-night-fog", "haze": "wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy", "mostlycloudy": "wi-night-alt-cloudy", "mostlysunny": "wi-night-alt-partly-cloudy", "partlycloudy": "night-alt-partly-cloudy", "partlysunny": "wi-night-alt-partly-cloudy", "rain": "wi-night-alt-rain", "sleet": "wi-night-alt-sleet", "snow": "wi-night-alt-snow", "tstorms": "wi-night-alt-thunderstorm" },