Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Cowboysdude's Mirror
Nice one!
What size display did you go for?
Thank you!
It’s a 24" monitor… I picked it up for 99.00 so I was very happy… small bezel… the picture is awesome!!! -
@cowboysdude Looks great!
I’ve gone 27", bought it second hand for £60. It has built in speakers than I’m hoping to make use of too!
How long did it take for you to do the build?
That is awesome! I love that idea!! What I’d really like to do is do facial recognition as well!! BUT I have tune in radio pro so I’d like to be able to make use of speakers… that’s a great idea!!! BUT being new to all this I have to pick one thing at a time LOL
I’d like to take a module I wrote for joomla and turn into a module for this… it’s an NFL Score board… but it has to be in js and that I don’t know but I do know a guy who does … soooo maybe he’ll help me out…
I’m exactly the same, I have no experience in this
One of the developers here has developed a facial recognition module, so it might be worth checking that out if you’re interested
Can you show us the back side of the mirror?
I have everything set up, but I cant figure out how to build the frame for the mirror… ;-) -
@flooo This guy has a fairly decent walk-through of his build -
@Mitchfarino just browsed through it quickly and yes you’re right this guy did an awesome walk through! I like the idea of voice but would at this point rather have facial recognition :) But I don’t see why we can’t have both!
@cowboysdude I’m going for voice recognition using Alexa instead of Jasper
PIR to disable/enable the monitor
Also looking to use the ultrasonic sensors for gestures too!