Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Thanks a lot
In custom css file a have the following:div.CALEXT .event .symbol { order:1; display:block; flex-basis: 30px; // Modify this text-align:center; min-width: 50px; // Modify this font-size: 150%; // Add this } div.CALEXT .events .symbol.emoji { font-size: 150%; //Adjust this as your wish. you can use px or % } div.CALEXT .events .symbol.font-awesome { font-size: 250%; //Adjust this as your wish. you can use px or % } div.CALEXT .tableStyle .eventTime { display:block; } .CALEXT .eventTime { font-size: 80%; line-height:110%; } .CALEXT .eventContent { font-size: 250%; line-height:110%; }
The adjustment of time works fine.
But not of the initial content.Sorry
But can you please help againThanks a lot
Because your other CSS rules might override that rule. (Simpler rule name might have lower priority). See this., you can use like this;
div.CALEXT div.slot div.eventsBoard div.eventContainer div.eventContent { font-size: 250%; line-height:110%; }
(For more exact rule specificity, I should know whole CSS of your MM, but I believe above code enough)
Hello @Sean ,
Been playing around with this module for a day now (not very savvy with javascript) and I cannot figure out how to increase the size of my Calendar. I’m using weeks (4 count) and position bottom_bar, but I would like it to take up about a third of the bottom (vertical monitor). I know this must be a change in CSS, but I dont know what to do. Any help would be great!
-Yoey -
Which parts do you want to grow up? More details I need to help. Image could be a help. -
So 2 things really. I’d like the Calendar to take up the entire bottom 3rd of the screen.
Second, any suggestions on making it look a little popping?
May I ask how you were able to show blank events?
mine looks like this, all jumbled up and no blanks…
add the following to your custum.css file
#CALEXT_month.tableStyle { max-width:100%; width:100%; background:none; }
Do you see the calendar posted above by @yoey2112 ?
It has blank events instead of collapsed events, I am wanting mine to look like that!
But, I can’t figure out how to get it done!
@justjim1220 I added that to my custom CSS but its still fairly small, a little bigger though. Is there any way to adjust the height of that location as well?
what did you add? I have been looking to do this!
the height is self-adjusting per the font sizes and line heights for the table cells.
May be able to figure out a better way if I had the code you used to get the empty cells to show like that.