Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@abetterway I think you mean switch the origin branch of the MMM-CalendarExt repository to
.In this case, use
git checkout forRPI1
within the~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt
directory. -
That’s exactly what I needed. Thank you!
This post is deleted! -
Yes, look at, search for
and add that to your config. -
It’s so easy - I have to be blind -
Hi… thank you so much for building this module… I am trying to customize the views… i originally setup weeks view with just one week… got my css where I wanted it, but I realized what i really wanted was a days view… the days view is much different and doesn’t show times on the events… can you help me get exactly like my picture, but in the days view? with the week starting on monday. I have my locale set to en-US…
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday day names are missing though… -
First of all thankyou for this great module!!
One little question. I use my calendar in weekly View with 2 weeks shown.
I would like to reduce the black margin left and right. Could you tell me which code I have to add in the custom.css to define the width of the calendar?Thank you so much
Sandy -
Hi :),
Is it possible to start MMM-CalendarExt hidden and let it show up with this.sendNotification(‘CHANGED_PROFILE’, {to:‘daddy’}) or something like that?`
Background ist that I want to use Buttons at my Mirror to hide all other modules and show CalendarExt in fullscreen (MMM-Toggle).
Problem is that Calendar do not refresh in hidden config:
{ module: 'MMM-CalendarExt', position: "top_left", //anywhere. It is not related to real position of view config: { system: { show: ["weeks"], //you can select views which you want to show. locale: 'de', showEmptyView: 1, }, views: { weeks: { position: "middle_center", showWeeks: 1, weeksTitle: 'Woche', weeksFormat: 'WW', weekdayFormat: 'dd', titleFormat : 'D', overTitleFormat : 'D. MMM', monthTitleFormat: "MMMM", counts: 6, overflowRolling: 1, oneLineEvent: 1, }, }, calendars: [ { name: "Kalender", styleName:"style5", url: " }, { name: "Geburtstage", styleName:"style15", symbol:"birthday@em", url: " }, { name: "Müllabfuhr", styleName:"style3", symbol:"wastebasket@em", url: " }, { name: "WM Kalender", symbol:"soccer@em", url: " }, ], } },
Thanks in advance :)